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Feature Request: Disable Profession Aura Effects for Player


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Short Version

I would like to request the ability to disable the profession "aura effect" such as the one that fills up the screen when a Ranger is Soulbeast-merged.  This setting would only affect the local player (in other words, other players would still see the effect if they wanted, this would just be to turn it off for yourself.)   I would be happy if it were a checkbox in settings or even an item you buy on the gem store.

Long Version

So, I played for a little bit in 2012, but didn't stick with it.   I was turned off by the class I tried then (Mesmer) and the lack of mounts (i.e., the slow pace of traveling.)   The game just wasn't as good back then either.    But, I returned a month or so ago, playing a Ranger, and I have really enjoyed it!    I had almost no complaints ...until last night when I unlocked my Soulbeast specialization...

The effects during and outside of combat have been just right, in my opinion.  But, someone lost their minds when they created the Ranger "merge" ability in the Soulbeast specialization.   Suddenly, my character is basically ON FIRE all the time (green swirlies and green leaves floating up, etc.. ..but the effect on the eyes is not much different than if the character had green flames all over him and rising from him.)    Am I the only one who thinks this is just obnoxious?   I mean, it'd be fine if it were an effect for a couple seconds and went away ....or, if the effect was just a glow or something -- but, it's VERY visually distracting.  

The idea of seeing this for hours at a time is really depressing and I'm having a hard time being excited to play, when just a couple days ago I was really loving everything and looking forward to the endgame.   The notion of having the screen full of these really "loud" effects constantly is just awful.   And, to be frank, I'm just not interested in playing another character right now -- I want to enjoy this one!    And, yes, I realize there are other specializations (or can play without one), but that's just silly ....Rangers want to enjoy the Soulbeast specialization, and it requires being merged -- yes, I might play Druid eventually, etc. but I want to enjoy the Soulbeast specialization.

Many of you may think I'm making a big deal out of nothing -- that's fine, everyone is allowed their opinion.   Personally, I'm just surprised and amazed that there aren't more people pitching a fit about this.   How did this even get out of testing without a revolt?  I'm just stunned by it.

Anyway, I understand that in PVP it is necessary to recognize someone who is Soulbeast merged -- this is why my suggestion specifically mentions a LOCAL toggle (in other words, it only affects the player who sets the toggle -- everyone else still sees the effect like before.)    Otherwise, I hope that others agree that this is a worthwhile suggestion.   It seems a pretty straightforward and easy thing to implement as well.    Finally, for those who might say things like "They won't want to spend development time on this", etc., I have also included in my suggestion that this could be something that could be charged for in the gem store.  I'd EASILY pay 1-2k gems for the ability to disable this obnoxious effect 🙂


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Is this really just a Ranger issue?    I posted in General because I thought it might be something of interest to other classes with similar obnoxious effects.

But, if you all think it's only bad like this for Soulbeast Rangers, then I guess it's fine to have it here.   (It does seem like it would have been more polite to ask me before just moving it though.  I used my experience as a Ranger in the post, but I meant for the request to be something from which all classes could benefit.)

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I think someone just saw the Soulbeast example and moved the thread based on that, instead of properly reading it.

I'd really love to not see my character be affected by ugly passive particle vomit on multiple professions, including:

Warrior's Signet of Rage and Soldier's Focus

Soulbeast's fart cloud

Virtuoso's floating daggers

And there were more people "pitching" about this. Most of us simply gave up, as this issue (just like many other issues) simply gets ignored. There is no point in screaming against an infinite wall of silence.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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  • 2 months later...

I second that but when you do some research you can see people complaining about that for YEARS, and anet never did anyhting about that. I wish so hard to toggle it off because it ruins every outfit I try to wear because I'm not a flashy green sylvari. I've tried a lot of specs and classes but the only one I have real fun with is the soulbeast. Ngl it lowers the pleasure I have to play, a lil bit everyday... I don't know when but it'll probably happen, I'll stop playing because I'm really sick of seeing the worse aura in the game and not being able to do anything about that. A tons of people are happy with that and we're just a few so no one care. Soon you'll probably have a fanboy playing with a perfect green outfit saying they don't want to change anything about that aura no matter if they're not concerned by your suggestion.


I wish, wish so hard to get rid of that you have no idea how hard I wish, but it will never happen. Others MMO arent really in a great shape these days and I can't wait to see the RIOT one going online. GW2 is an amazing game that I love, but that tiny thing that bothers me, bothers me everytime I play, for months, years, and at the end it spoils all my pleasure to play.


Well, gonna post it here to show my support, even if it stays a dream. Good luck mate.

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This complaint is easy to ignore, sadly. Despite it killing the fun of many players.

Soulbeast is by far the worst offender. I honestly stopped playing the spec because of it.


If the effect was similar to untamed's it would be so much better. A quick couple of seconds showing the shift and then fizzling out to normal look. It's fine that other people see you with the merged effect, but it's too much to look at during regular gameplay.


Wish they'd just let the effect fizzle out after a few seconds and just give us a buffsymbol in the statusbar that can tell other players if we are merged or not.


It's the only real issue I have with Gw2. Way too much visual clutter and effects.

Skill activation effects are fine but everything that remains a somewhat permanent effect should be toned down a notch.

All the gem shop gear and outfits also relied to much on particle effects, making even more of a mess.


This is a big complaint for many players. If only they'd wise up and allows to have more control over which effects we want to see or not.

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I personally don't think it's a good solution to the problem. Players should be able to freely customize the look of their character without being limited to what fits their profession visual effects.


Here are few ideas:

  • Tune the visual effects down to make them less disturbing.
  • The effect will fade away after a while. In PvP you would still see the transition and pet. Additional information about ranger state could be available when you target him.
  • Allow players to customize energy color to fit the theme of their character appearance.
Edited by AkantorCZ.8952
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On 9/9/2022 at 6:56 AM, Cerec.8925 said:

Is this really just a Ranger issue?    I posted in General because I thought it might be something of interest to other classes with similar obnoxious effects.

But, if you all think it's only bad like this for Soulbeast Rangers, then I guess it's fine to have it here.   (It does seem like it would have been more polite to ask me before just moving it though.  I used my experience as a Ranger in the post, but I meant for the request to be something from which all classes could benefit.)

They moved it because devs don't bother coming to profession specific forums and if they just deleted you might start asking why.

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On 11/18/2022 at 2:09 PM, Siofra Crumble.2098 said:

This complaint is easy to ignore, sadly. Despite it killing the fun of many players.

Soulbeast is by far the worst offender. I honestly stopped playing the spec because of it.


If the effect was similar to untamed's it would be so much better. A quick couple of seconds showing the shift and then fizzling out to normal look. It's fine that other people see you with the merged effect, but it's too much to look at during regular gameplay.


Wish they'd just let the effect fizzle out after a few seconds and just give us a buffsymbol in the statusbar that can tell other players if we are merged or not.


It's the only real issue I have with Gw2. Way too much visual clutter and effects.

Skill activation effects are fine but everything that remains a somewhat permanent effect should be toned down a notch.

All the gem shop gear and outfits also relied to much on particle effects, making even more of a mess.


This is a big complaint for many players. If only they'd wise up and allows to have more control over which effects we want to see or not.

Yup, that's it, since my last post I had enough and I stopped playing soulbeast and have gone to daredevil. Not as much fun ngl but I can enjoy the time I spend on my outfit...

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I use to have a problem with this, especially as someone who puts a lot of time and effort into the looks of my ranger. My easiest solution was to roll a Sylvari ranger with a similar green color as the main color for armor/weapon/hair. 


On the other hand, there could so something like they did with Untamed, and just have it last for a few seconds and then it goes away. Well on the character it goes away, but not for the pet, as far as Untamed spec goes i mean.

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