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Pure OW PvE idea for legendary armor


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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, really? And what gave you that idea? Maybe my posts to which you attached completely different meaning that they contained?

That idea was probably indeed given by some of your posts, but it probably wasn't the one you mean. More one of those labeling almost anything over the standard "complete (get ported to) x JPs" / "tag a world boss x times" as somehow intentionally unobtainable, which can't be further from truth.


People consistently trying to claim "hour daily not being enough" (the easly repeated, vague but convenient "scheduling doesn't allow me!") to go for the current pve set, "if I don't cap out weekly skirmish tickets then there's no point in doing it" (too long!), "don't include metas because I don't have time for them" or "LW maps dead, so need new armor path to revitalize" (which, you know, is just false since they're far from dead) also gives a rather clear image of their expectations here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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