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Hello everyone...

I am returning player, after 3-4 years 🙂 I played Black Desert for all this time, and kinda reached the point where i need to invest plenty of time for small gain in terms of gear, so i kinda lost the will for it...

Anyway, i played Elementalist (fire weaver) in GW2 and that is really the only class that i like. I never played tempest bcs i dont like it, and im not sure about this new weapon hammer, looks interesting to me... Also, not problem for me to go condition or power, as long as i use that awesome sword on my elementalist 🙂 I also used staff for group content, when i played before.
I am not sure if weaver is still viable (i noticed a lot of negative comments here on forum), but i am never ready to play another class just bcs it is current meta or flavor of the month.

I wanted to know if this is good time to continue playing with my weaver, or should i just leave it and go back to BDO or look for some other game.
Also, if any guild is ready to help me (with advices not money), i would like to know 🙂 


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Ele currently isn't in the best spot, especially catalyst is overall in a very bad spot atm. The 2 viable elementalist roles atm are Heal Alacrity Tempest and dmge Weaver. 

Sword isn't in the best spot right now, it unfortunately got nerfed abit over the years. That being said its still able to do fine in most strikes/raid encounters.

The current top dmge potential roles for weaver are currently condi staff and condi dagger. Their damage unfortunately drops off pretty fast when facing suboptimal scenarios. 

The best build for Weaver is currently condi scepter/focus. It offers a relatively easy rotation and consistant decent dps

There are other professions that simply outshine ele atm, but overall its a completely viable pick for most situations. 

If you are interested in some recent builds/rotations i'd recommend you to check out Fennec on YouTube, he showcases alot of different elementalist builds. 

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You forgot to list condition Scepter/Focus as a viable weapon set. The build performs well in most PvE scenario and the rotation is fairly simpler than most condition weaver builds even if it feels a bit spamy at time. Utility is ok-ish at best (as is custom with weaver builds) : you got projectile reflect, a serviceable invulnerability and some CC. It is able to squeeze about 38k dps on the golem which is a pretty nice figure considering how reliable it is !

Edited by Guybrush.4762
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There is some guy on YouTube, Solemn (or smth like that). 
I see a lot of fights in his video where he use sword/dagger and run Celestial set. I think i will go for it and play what i like 🙂

Here is his build:


Also, i see in game update from 23rd of August that overall dmg is increased, and among them power weaver dmg also...
I am not sure if dmg is increased enough, but anyway i like to see it 🙂

Edited by Mladen.6425
23. August patch update / typo
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On 9/14/2022 at 9:24 AM, Mladen.6425 said:

There is some guy on YouTube, Solemn (or smth like that). 
I see a lot of fights in his video where he use sword/dagger and run Celestial set. I think i will go for it and play what i like 🙂

Here is his build:


Also, i see in game update from 23rd of August that overall dmg is increased, and among them power weaver dmg also...
I am not sure if dmg is increased enough, but anyway i like to see it 🙂

The build you linked is good, however i would run twist of fate and/or Stonebarrier if you are already running the bolstered elements trait, you can push it even further to become near unkillable in 1v1 situations.

between the lines i am reading that you are mainly into pvp/wvw.  Fireweaver works just fine! they nerfed nothing. They even buffed the Celestialstat a while ago, so you will be even "stronger" than before. They also buffed Dagger offhand, playing Fireweaver with Dagger is now also possible!

HOWEVER, Fireweaver has alot of bad matchups currently, mainly against the new EoD specs. Fireweaver is not bad, but it has a few bad matchups against builds that are popular atm. So you have moments where you simply cant win against a specific enemy, altho he is a donkey and your playing like a young god.

I mained Fireweaver for a long time aswell , but i recently switched to Tempest. We currently have a very Projectile heavy meta. Almost every popular build relys on projectiles. The build i will share with you, can maintain over 100% uptime of reflects, making it borderline unkillable for those projectileheavy builds.


The same build works in pvp aswell! so its a good build to dump your time into, cuz you will be relevant in pvp and wvw with it. (Last season i reached platinum 2 with this build)



Edited by Sahne.6950
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45 minutes ago, Mladen.6425 said:




Oh, big TY for this detailed answer. It helps a lot...
If i may, i would PM You in game as well, bcs i wanna know more about this...
Or discord, whatever...
I will have few more questions and maybe few more advices 🙂

hey! i will be online in 2 hours and ready for your questions. ^_^

hit me up with a mail ingame, so i dont forget about it!


idk if you interested in the build that i posted, but here is some more footage so you can get a feel for how to play it.  There even is a juicy 2v6, with the original audio of my brother screeching, at the end 😄 He was playing Tempest aswell.


Edited by Sahne.6950
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