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Shadow Force changes in PvE

Naps Elif.7438

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I just did a test run with Boneskinner in a PUG with myself as a Alacrity Healing Specter. What used to be a cake walk to keep everyone alive as well as picking up those that have fallen from the other group turned into me not even being able to keep myself alive let alone my side of the group. Can someone else test this out with their Specter.

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The first step to making good balance change decisions is understanding the class in question, the mechanics of the class, the limitations of the class, and the problems of the class (both good and bad) - essentially understanding the very class you intend to balance. The team is stuck on this first step when it comes to thief for over 10 years; they are clueless.

Having said that, a core competency which is required for balancing involves...well...a balance in decision. Hard nerfing something, while also hard buffing something only causes a bigger gap. When you balance one to bring it up to the current level of another, yet at the same time nerf that other thing down, all you did was create a reverse disparity- it's rocket science to some. Ie: one step forward, but two steps back. 

Edited by Asur.9178
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3 hours ago, Naps Elif.7438 said:

I just did a test run with Boneskinner in a PUG with myself as a Alacrity Healing Specter. What used to be a cake walk to keep everyone alive as well as picking up those that have fallen from the other group turned into me not even being able to keep myself alive let alone my side of the group. Can someone else test this out with their Specter.

Yup.. not only we didnt get AOE healing spec (only 1 target gimmick) but now we also got quite a meh alac spec. Not that it was really good before also, most people still used HAM/PAM for alac. Wells are just not too good in many situations. So i have no idea why Anet thought its time to nerf it in PvE. Even DPS specter is quite terrible. You drop off of shroud alot more now and your dps rotation just gets destroyed.

But guess what? Thief population isn't big. And we won't be crying in reddit/forums like Engineers do. So it will seem that Thief is ok , hiding somewhere in the shadows. Even my friend today asked "hey so whats up with thief? i barely see them". 😄 Main point: if u want changes, create 1000 reddit accounts and cry alot, maybe then anet will do somethin.

Edited by Carnifex.3275
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Did t4 fractals a few hours ago could barely keep the group alive went from 41khp Shroud into 19k , All the resources poured into this class for nothing, what a stupid way to destroy someone who enjoyed playing Support Spec


 I guess someone who plays Specter in Anet stole someone's else girlfriend....

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