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Using superior numbers to win fights


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For some people, winning is fun no matter the means. Sometimes that means outnumbering your enemy. Even fights being fun is a matter of your own opinion. Others don't care if the fights are even or lopsided. They just want to win. If you don't want to be outnumbered, know when to back away from a fight so you can wait for backup or hit back somewhere else. With EoD, mobility is more widely available across the professions than it has ever been.

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On 10/13/2022 at 2:08 PM, Sansar.1302 said:

Where posting this realy early today after a not so fun morning in wvw, so many adds/ smal grps  4-6

(one of the server in this match up  i belive actualy have a buddy system or vetran mentor that coordinates daily wvw stuff like vet warg etc)


I know my play style is part of the problem ( i know atleast one server have warning video about me )

as i can at best days have many many  solo kills in a hour+ and most seam to realy hate 1v1 or numberical ballanced figths smal scale. 


Yes i attack people waiting for vetran warg etc and my favorite is waiting behind that big rock close to there and abush those that run for south camp (this is after war claw where added before i would roam alot more)


Few times some one  follow me around a bit and for a few moments is effectively  a duo,  not by my choise but then i get bored and logg off or port to another border ( dont want to tell them off esp if they are new even if i only want to be solo )


I realise that what player seek in wvw differ so mutch (solo , ppt , figth , guild grps , smal scale etc ) many only want to get a few things and then return to pve 


Over the years the ballance in the wvw play styles have shifted alot and i dont like the new direction 


I get your point. That's why when I see new people or at least new to the forums try and roam straight on the onset and then ask for changes I've got to look at it from the game mode and quite often come back with not sure I would do that position. Roaming is tough but that's also what makes it rewarding because sometimes its the best and others its the worst. Quite often you are going to get more of them than you and it is what it is. Though you get those magic points to.  Roamers get to play some of the best mental games on their opponents and its always hilarious when the Han Solo method of attacking more with less works and makes people run away.

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Gamemode was simplified to accomodiate people who do not want to use their brain or organise.


Claim buff: Defending stat buffs was added to remove fair fights so defender wins almost everytime without using any of the siege, supply, positioning and respawns available

Wall/Gate HP: Nerfed so you can't stop large groups with siege

Siege: Siege damage to siege reduced and shield gens added so you can't take attackers siege down even if they are badly positioned. Long range-trebs and catapults are relatively useless due to shield gens.

Supply: Every tower and keep has ton of supply to defend or resupply with. Siege supply cost reduced and people can carry more supply.

Upgrading: It just happens automatically much faster, you don't even have to do anything. Dolly escort buff was added so if you're upgrading, no1 can kill the dolly (so as long as you have 2 defenders per camp against 1 attacker, there is nothing attacker can do)

Tactics: Nothing kills fun like Dragon banners, chilling fogs or EWPs. Watchtowers also removed small groups from game since keeps are impossible to take for them and defenders can just check the 1 spot watchtower doesn't reach or in lot of cases show up in time once wall is down when they see red dots going to lord room.

Linking system: And just in case you still want strategize for fun instead of braindeading around. Lets make sure that points or training people is pointless. No matter how much you entertain people, your playerbase won't go up since it is standardized and even most boring servers can maintain same population. In EU you even get punished for being enjoyable server by having 30% less population.

Maps: 1 side having a borderland with completely different popularity and layout leads to matchups being decided just by what colour you are


So yes, game is just about superior numbers these days. But that is what happens when you forego competitive environment and try to please everyone with bad decisions instead.

Edited by Riba.3271
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