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More Choices on Weapon synergy Starting with Core Warrior


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I honestly would like to see more qol improvements for weapons and burst skills such as  core warrior sword F1 with the removal of self root for the low damage it already does and more additional counter abilities for dual swords that would allow it to be more of a fencer build similar to counterblow on mace but proving more direct attacks of several uses of riposte. Over the course of 10 years as a warrior main I don't believe I have seen few , if any dual sword Warriors. It is could be interesting if anet were to turn Final thrust into the F1 burst skill increasing its damage and bleed stacks based on  adrenaline spent per bar 2 Stacks of bleed per bar , Then 4 , Then 6. While making the F1 unblockable for each tier. Then Taking the 3 seconds of immbolise and adding it to sword four impale while keeping rip as it currently is. Then a replacement for skill 3 could be a channeled block as the warrior raises both swords ⚔️ that increases damage based on strikes it absorbs or reflects if used with shield master trait. Then at the end of the block duration add a flip over skill perhaps called downslash as the warrior slashes both swords downward or sword/axe  downward similar to axe 4 but doing increased damage on the blocked damage or strikes absorbed.  This is only just for sword mainhand but it could pair well to create synergy with other warrior weapons as well such as offhand mace,axe,warhorn,shield, dagger, and sword.🤔

Or other ideas that we could recommend even changes to the 3 skill in general for certain warrior  weapon skills that feel lack luster and increase viable weapon trait synergy that don't completely overpower each other and give Benefits That are reasonable to choose. Such as x increases damage gives adrenaline on successful hits, another give increased defence against strike damage and increase adrenaline gained when hit. X increases condition damage based on conditions applied to you gain adrenaline per condition on you.   Just as examples probably not the best examples in fairness. Yet anet continues to drag it's feet in the mud let's give them the rope to pull themselves out of the quicksand they wandered into 😊


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 It is could be interesting if anet were to turn Final thrust into the F1 burst skill increasing its damage and bleed stacks based on  adrenaline spent per bar 2 Stacks of bleed per bar , Then 4 , Then 6. While making the F1 unblockable for each tier. Then Taking the 3 seconds of immbolise and adding it to sword four impale while keeping rip as it currently is. Then a replacement for skill 3 could be a channeled block as the warrior raises both swords ⚔️ that increases damage based on strikes it absorbs or reflects if used with shield master trait.

I think that's a cool idea. Make FT the Burst. Make it increase in damage, bleed stacks and range for each level of Adrenaline. Make it's primal burst a torment-applying thrust in front of the warrior that hits 5 enemies.

Put Riposte on the third slot, make the counter-hit be a sped up Flurry with the immobilize. Remove the cast time from Savage Leap. Change the awful animation on Hamstring ( 3rd auto chain ) for a quick spin that hits 5 people for the same effects. Make the 5 skill be Adrenaline Rush, where you gain adrenaline, swiftness and fury and you reset the cooldown of your burst skill, on a 30/40s cd.

Might be bloated, but hey, we're still not Guardians so it's ok.

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