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PvP is officially dead


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12 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

I can't really tell if this is  brave & admirable self-confidence, or the typical dime-a-dozen big head wintrader mentality.

But with 60% positive results, i'm going to be nice and assume the former.


We should; as a whole, all 20 or so of us, be nicer to eachother in general and direct all meanness to the ones who are responsible for there being like 20 of us in the first place.

All this does is normalize the egomania present in the top% of players.


Are you saying 80%+ close game (read: not win) rate should be normal? In SoloQ? Also, without one person at least attempting carry?

Not even being facetious, I have no idea how that would ever be possible, in any competitive game--regardless of community size.

Going into this (I've only really sPvP for ~3ish months out of 10 year game time) I expected around a 30-40% close game rate, just based on what I've experienced elsewhere.   

Elsewhere being both other competitive games and specifically GW2; I spend most time in WvW and can't imagine any of those people randomly co-existing should you roll up to a group solo.  Out of all my days roaming as solo in WvW the best you will encounter is a ganker that turns friendly after you duel them--meaning I didn't have high expectations at all when trying out sPvP SoloQ.

Anyway, the overall point I'm making here is if you are experiencing nothing but '50-500' blowouts then there has to be some spicy chat going along with that.  Your team essentially has to hate you and give up, or at least hate someone on the team enough for 2+ people to just AFK or ALT+F4. 

You are correct in that diplomacy goes pretty much as far as literal physical carry, so maybe that's also why I haven't had such bad experiences--decent enough at trying to calm moods down enough to at least lose with dignity. 

Case and point, I attempted to write a civil post on the sPvP forums 😂.  

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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Are you saying 80%+ close game (read: not win) rate should be normal? In SoloQ? Also, without one person at least attempting carry?

Close games, yes absolutely. Not even 80%, 100%. When it comes to match quality perfection should be the standard because those clown fiesta 500-50 blowouts are true tests of resolve to keep playing and in sPvP they're about as common as rain in England, for reasons i'll get to.

Wins, no. As a SoloQ a 50% winrate is pretty common since there's way more RNG when matchmaking. 60% would be above average. 70% would be godly. Anything above that is a wintrader, ban it. 🔨

3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Not even being facetious, I have no idea how that would ever be possible, in any competitive game--regardless of community size.

Going into this (I've only really sPvP for ~3ish months out of 10 year game time) I expected around a 30-40% close game rate, just based on what I've experienced elsewhere.   

Its very possible, you just need competition that's fair and competitive.

Ranked sPvP is neither. DuoQ is a straight up advantage over SoloQ, yet they are forced to compete against eachother and rated under the same individual metric despite being 2 people and not 1. There's no rating cap present on how far apart two ratings can queue together(as is present in most other fossilized games that still force teams and solos into the same competitive ladder) so a legend can queue with a silver to snipe soloq golds and silvers at 3 or 4 in the morning, farming wins, and only taking a break for their biweekly shower and occasional use of the bathroom bottle. 🍼

Then its off to twitch to flaunt the 'success' and badmouth the soloqs and talk about how godlike they are and how they finished a season 118-2 as a soloq, even though everyone knows that isn't true, but doomed ye be if ye talk back because to them we're all nobodies, whom they have no respect for, and they will not hesitate to use their influencer status to strongarm you, or anyone else out of the game if you draw their ire. I have former Gods of PvP that 'hunt me down' when I log in sometimes because they don't like what I say on the forums. I don't care though personally as this is the real PvP endgame, but I do wonder how many other people that happens to and by whom.

3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Elsewhere being both other competitive games and specifically GW2; I spend most time in WvW and can't imagine any of those people randomly co-existing should you roll up to a group solo.  Out of all my days roaming as solo in WvW the best you will encounter is a ganker that turns friendly after you duel them--meaning I didn't have high expectations at all when trying out sPvP SoloQ.

Wym? We are nice just like the WvW gankers. Equally unhinged, miserable, and hanging on by a thread, but nice people.

Its important for nice & humble people to set reasonable expectations. Fair and friendly competition is perfectly reasonable because when I click on the Ranked button, it says 'compete.' If it said 'compete with handicap' then that would more accurately describe what i'm getting into and I could settle for less and keep a brave face on it, but no i'm holding it to what's advertised.

3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Anyway, the overall point I'm making here is if you are experiencing nothing but '50-500' blowouts then there has to be some spicy chat going along with that.  Your team essentially has to hate you and give up, or at least hate someone on the team enough for 2+ people to just AFK or ALT+F4. 

Not really no, i'm going to have to disappoint there. 

Real talk; people don't need or give a reason half the time. I've never seen an idle player report get acted on and i've played since ranked season 2, and eventually people begin to understand this and kind of just do it. Occasionally you'll get someone who goes 'gg afk' after first midfight and then argues with the team all game, but it usually isn't even that entertaining.

Not only that, but they get PAID to do it. Either by their mates to take a L or in pips because in Ranked; the competitive mode, you get pips just for being there. By doing absolutely nothing in Ranked, you are guaranteed passive income. Note that this is not the case in Unranked, the casual mode.

And then there's DuoQ like I mentioned. If one team has it and the other doesn't, that match is probably a blowout. That doesn't mean everyone is going to rage though, because this is a common occurrence and DuoQ is only a concept. Don't hate the player, hate the game as they say. Unless that player is a wintrader.

3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You are correct in that diplomacy goes pretty much as far as literal physical carry, so maybe that's also why I haven't had such bad experiences--decent enough at trying to calm moods down enough to at least lose with dignity. 

Case and point, I attempted to write a civil post on the sPvP forums 😂.  

Yes and you did good in explaining what you meant, i'd say. I give your last post a 💙

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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4 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Close games, yes absolutely. Not even 80%, 100%. When it comes to match quality perfection should be the standard because those clown fiesta 500-50 blowouts are true tests of resolve to keep playing and in sPvP they're about as common as rain in England, for reasons i'll get to.

Wins, no. As a SoloQ a 50% winrate is pretty common since there's way more RNG when matchmaking. 60% would be above average. 70% would be godly. Anything above that is a wintrader, ban it. 🔨

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