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Down State, Rally, Ranked match level


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Thought I'd open this thread here and maybe catch ANet's attention somehow, since they have gotten us used to quarterly balance patches :)

So here are some proposals that I think could prove healthy to the PVP community. 


1. Down state

Please normalize downstate skills. Everyone should be equal, no special traits to optimize downstate, no pets help. Everyone plays by the same rules. I believe in competitive modes Down State should mean that you can Crawl to a safer spot and use Bandage to try and stop the bleeding, but not revive yourself, until a teammate comes and resurrects you. 


2.. Rally

Completely remove Rally from PVP. It's a completely broken mechanic. It leads to many unbalanced situations that occur in every single game. There are many arguments against Rally but the main one is that you get back up with almost all your cooldowns reset and half the hitpoints. You can cast your heal skill, which for some specs is unblockable (Mesmer with distortion) and it's like you completely revived while the other player has most of his skills on cooldown and now cannot stand a chance. Extremely unfair, especially in 2v2 where a player is down, your teammate now gets killed because it's targeted and the downed player revives. All of a sudden you find yourself in a 1v2 situation and lost the fight. Some will argue it's strategy. It is not, it's a big unbalance.


3. Ranked match level

This is due to the extremely high influx of noobs that have invaded ranked matches in lower leagues. To reach level 20 is extremely easy. Does that mean you have a good grasp on the spec or build you are playing? Not at all. Furthermore, you can basically get there even faster if you pick some really OP builds (like the shouts bladesworn) which are basically imba against noobs. So make it 40. Most of us playing ranked games want either, or both, of the following things: play quality games and work towards some legendary item/skins etc. Since ranked matches are now a hit or miss you can end up grinding and messing up your progression because you are unlucky and your team is totally crap. I've had a day when I was lucky to be in teams with people who knew what they were doing and there was good communication between us. Then the next day I matched only with beginners in my team. Everything I worked on the previous day went down the drain the next one. I understand there are some matches you win and some you lose, it's natural. But when you see some players who have no idea what they are doing...you have to start asking yourself what is the difference between ranked and unranked other than just being another grind. My solution may not be optimal but do try to think how this can be addressed because it's extremely annoying.



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Totally willing to try 1 and 2 in a event or miniseason


3 on the other hand is the wrong way to go, these influx of noobs is much needed, and average +14 hours in unranked prolly wont do much to make them better. It could even make them quit, and ppl quitting pvp is the reason you playing with total beginners.


Another reason the matches are one sided is q dodge, gold 3+ players activelly duo and q dodge better duos to get easier matches, so they and the duo they dodging get easier matches.


The solution here would be increase the time for the rating to spam to form the teams. Right now you can see the rank 1 getting 5-7 q time, when ppl dodge him his duo both 1700+  get in a match with/against silver players resulting in a free win


To spam 100 rating should take at least 2 mins (3 min would be the ideal) so a 1800 player to be matched with a silver player would take at least 14 mins, highly discouraging q dodge. 


This way you get higher chances the get noob vs noob matches

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