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Mace/Mace or Hammer for the CC Set?


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I think Mace still does more single target breakbar damage overall (by a little bit), but hammer should be doing MUCH more damage now, and should still have good CC potential. So I guess it depends on your needs...if you need to be the one-man breakbar breaker, then macex2 is probably the way to go. Otherwise, Hammer would probably make more sense/be more well-rounded.

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Breakbar damage:

Skull crack (t3): 300

Pommel bash: 100

Tremor: 300


Earthshaker (t3): 200

Staggering blow: 150

Backbreaker: 300 (400 if target has weakness)


Pomel bash has a 10s CD compared to 18s for staggering blow, so you can almost do 200 breakbar dmg (180 average) with PB compared to 150 from staggering blow in the same amount of time.


Tremor and BB have the same CD, so that's a wash.  Tremor can, of course, hit multiple targets, if that's useful.


So it would seem that, provides you can ensure that the target has weakness every time you apply Backbreaker, both hammer and mace should do almost identical breakbar dmg, with mace coming out ever so slightly ahead.

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