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No snap to target on Earthshaker?


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snap to target works, but there's a windup to earthshaker, by the time you land the hit on the target area the target has already moved away in most cases, combustive shot and arcing arrow are affected by the same problem.


warrior is also one of the worst classes when it comes to targeting QOL, things like auto-targeting and snap aoe on target and even action camera mode are all unusable on warrior.


in order to use our mobility skills to disengage we have to manually de-target first, for skills like rush, sword leap, aura slicer, breaching strike, bull rush,  etc.. unlike other classes' teleport skills like blink, shadowstep, shift signet, etc..


even when used as an engage tool, you'll get many instances where they just don't land the attack when done from a distance, in most cases to guarantee the hit to land you have to use them in melee or have the target moving towards you into the attack.


even our banners snap onto enemies when snap to target is on, they reworked teleport skills like blink, shadowstep, etc.., so this wouldn't be an issue, but neglected to apply it to warrior skills like banners.


terrible QOL, melee locked, long windups, harder gameplay, yet unrewarding.


where's long animation cue's on some other classes, why can they do it so fast, from stealth, from range and eliminate counter play, and what warrants these limitations on only warrior?

Edited by eXruina.4956
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4 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

in order to use our mobility skills to disengage we have to manually de-target first, for skills like rush, sword leap, aura slicer, breaching strike, bull rush,  etc.. unlike other classes' teleport skills like blink, shadowstep, shift signet, etc..

What do you mean "like Shadowstep?". What context is this, in terms of disengaging? And how is that with engaging? Unsure how you could have such dual behaviour of attack target but also disengage while still targeting by using same attack skill; how else would you achieve this than de-targeting?

And how is that comparable to shadowstep?

Edited by Chips.7968
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17 hours ago, Chips.7968 said:

What do you mean "like Shadowstep?". What context is this, in terms of disengaging? And how is that with engaging? Unsure how you could have such dual behaviour of attack target but also disengage while still targeting by using same attack skill; how else would you achieve this than de-targeting?

And how is that comparable to shadowstep?

the comparison is as a gap closer and disengage tool, warrior has to jump through a lot of hoops to get that effect, there's no qol, its subpar and unrewarding, compared to the straight up teleports and damage upfront other classes have access to. there's literally no upside.


i mean it exactly as i wrote it, i speak plainly, and i think i wrote it plain enough to understand, if you want to interpret it differently its up to you.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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5 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

the comparison is as a gap closer and disengage tool, warrior has to jump through a lot of hoops to get that effect, there's no qol, its subpar and unrewarding, compared to the straight up teleports and damage upfront other classes have access to. there's literally no upside.

You aren't doing a reasonable comparison. As engage/disengage you either need a target, or no target, in order to differentiate between the two choices you have listed. Is that right? Targeted = gap closer. No target = disengage. That a fair statement?

"in order to use our mobility skills to disengage we have to manually de-target first, for skills like rush, sword leap, aura slicer, breaching strike, bull rush,  etc.. unlike other classes' teleport skills like blink, shadowstep, shift signet, etc.."

How, on offensive weapon skills, would you suggest you have the ability to choose whether you're engaging of disengaging then, what alternative, if not via target/de-target.


But lets move on to your comparison, you listed shadowstep. Thief does have a fair few shadow steps. Lets have a quick look.

Short bow 5 - zero dmg, ground targeting. Takes over half your entire initiative pool (use in offensive fight means precious little weapon utility after) and is buggy as hell. There are entire portions of maps where it won't work full stop (same for any teleport skill), and over the vast majority of the rest it's port can be partial -- but always uses 8 init (even if you go nowhere!). 

Teleport signet. Requires a target (can stun break without one, but you remain place). However, usefully, will teleport towards target even if out of range. To disengage, not only do you need to de-target, you NEED to find a target (but crucially doesn't need to be in range!).

Steal - Requires a target. Range between 600-1200 depending on build, teleports to target. So if disengage its not so much as de-target, you actually have to find another target in range.

Sword 2 - teleport and return; so this is significantly different. Break it into 2.

1st part - to teleport (first part) requires a target. However, without a target you just drop a return point where you are.

To return, as long as you had used it first, and it's within 10s or so, just use weapon skill again to return to previous point. It's incredibly useful. 

Shadow step utility - ground targeted. Stun breaks on use and return. The point is you can return with just a button push. No dmg, boons/offensive etc. Does cleanse 3 condi on return use.

Prepare shadow portal/shadow portal. If you can use this in combat over any other utility slot skill, other than a "get me the hell out of here...", then good luck to you 😄

None of them are evade, non of them are combo finishers, 2 do dmg (183 dmg in wvw for sword 2, though steal with trait can do about 2.5k), they are buggy. 

As said, you're not comparing apples with apples, unless you're calling for entire changes to your Rush / Bull Rush etc. At which point, surely it's going to give up a lot of its offensive dmg/knockdowns. As you can see, the shadowsteps don't provide that... 


Also worth pointing out - thief doesn't have stability. So some of those are stun breakers... use them to offensively port, you've no stun breaker when you get immobed/stun.

Edited by Chips.7968
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@Chips.7968 sigh, hey man, i'll spell it out for you some more, i'm saying warrior has inferior engage disengage tools, i also stated how and why above. particularly relating to animations and skill behavior.


and its not a thief only comparison, and not limited to the skills i stated above, judge intervention, symbol of blades, shadowshot, and many more. thats what the etc. stands for.


i've said what i meant to say. if you want to interpret it differently its on you.

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