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(PvP) Bring Back Bladesworn/ Give Zerker More Functionality/ Buff Arms/ Give Rifle another Pass at Reworks


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Just put the stab back on Dragon Trigger.  Right now, the protection only means you can get CC'd out of it by anything competent. 

Outside of that, I'm not seeing how the old shoutsworn build is all that nerfed besides the elite obviously not refreshing shouts anymore.  The rest of it is intact and I'm still having success playing it into mid-gold and I'm a ranger main...


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4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Just put the stab back on Dragon Trigger.  Right now, the protection only means you can get CC'd out of it by anything competent. 

Outside of that, I'm not seeing how the old shoutsworn build is all that nerfed besides the elite obviously not refreshing shouts anymore.  The rest of it is intact and I'm still having success playing it into mid-gold and I'm a ranger main...


This is why the loss of stability really affected it. They should not down that change until after seeing the results of the bug fixes and TR nerf.

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