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Catalyst Marauder for fractals, strikes?


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thats the problem with ele , you have very little room for survivabilty , changing a single trait or adding non optimal stuff to your gear will impact your dps , as for catalyst , only on very static fight , don't forget you have EE buffs increasing your stats for 1% , i get this is why catalyst is more sort off as a bruiser , but that need a perfectly good rotation , you can add some dragon gear (not full) i don't think it will impact your dps a lot , if it is only few pieces , but again you will need to change an utilty skill for signet of fire to compensate the loss of précision .

one tip someone said (and i tried it) is to have the greater earth elemental up , his skill immobilize in area and thus give you two EE stacks per target , helping a lot keeping 10 stacks for 2x bonus (the cd is 15 so it is the same as the EE stacks duration) as i think the Fiery Gs is not a big dps increase and is very lackluster to use.

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31 minutes ago, Asek.1869 said:

Hi wanted to know if  it is viable to use marauder or dragon gear for fractal strike gameplay bc even with 10 jade core I feel too squichy and how much would be dps loss?

Viable? Yes. Optimal? No. 

Fractals and strikes (aside from CM modes) are not that demanding of players dps. If you go full marauders instead of berserkers the dps loss would be somewhat 8-10% (if i recall correctly). Not a lot, if you are not aiming at being "top 1 dps on every boss". 

Edited by soulknight.9620
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You definitely dont need full zerk for cata in fractals. Staying alive is alot more important anyways since you'll lose all your energy everytime you get downed. I love using the qcata build for fractals (i even sneak it in quite often as dps). It has better energy gain, shorter cd on spheres (more aoe dps), not relying on 10 stacks of EE, heals on attunement swap and extra group support which helps alot due to the chaos of most encounters (ensures perma quick, vigor, resolution might and protection). I usually run berserkers with a couple pieces of diviners or Celestial since it doesn't sacrifice that much damage. A lillbit marau definitely wouldn't hurt either. And with all the extra support/surviveability slotted in im still able to deal roughly the same dps a the rest of the group. 


Almost every boss in fractals dies within like 1 min of dps tops (fights usually only last longer if there special mechanics that need to be dealt with). Most trash mob groups die within 5 seconds. A 10/20% dmge loss really isn't gonna matter. Getting downed/defeated/cc'ed or failing mechanics is where the real time waste comes from. 

Sure i wont be setting new speedclear record times with these builds, but the consistency simply yields a better result on average. Its the same reason why mechanist and scourge deal kitten dps but are still regarded very strong picks in all instanced PvE 

Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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I think Marauder is far better than Berserker for Elementalist.

While it may theoretically be about 8% less DPS, you are likely to die a lot less often and thus effectively end up dealing more damage.

I prefer Trailblazer gear with Runes of the Undead for my Elementalists though.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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ok Thx guys, personally I tried to get back to my love (ele) but trying to learn rotation and then get downed always burned me out (pun intended), I think it is my 5 try for going back to ele so I wanted to change something and dont be brainded rotation bot 

Edited by Asek.1869
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