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Support will not remove account restrictions

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1 hour ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

With all respect, 100 Hours is not that much for a MMO. I would at least request a refund. And no matter if it gets approved or not: leave the account.


Something on your account must have spooked ArenaNet into considering your account a threat to the in-game economy. As I'm just an user, I cannot judge about this. I know all too well of players who undeservedly got bitten by ArenaNet security monitoring (AI) but at the same time players are just coming to forums and social media to play the innocent angel when they got a ban that they deserved.


The longer you play the more hours you lose on this account. It's not worth continuing as you will need the trading post to get any serious account progression. Continuing just sets you up for future frustration. Or if you're bored while in China, use it only while you're there, then leave it.


Then when you're at home, you have to consider if you trust ArenaNet enough to buy/make a new account. If yes, Play from your home internet connection, don't use VPNs or services that change your IP. Don't play from blocked countries. Your current account is flagged as risky, so better not transfer goods from your flagged account to a new account or vice versa as things like that may spook the ArenaNet security AI again.


If you don't trust ArenaNet, It's probably better to find yourself a different MMO. And if you did nothing wrong: I'm sorry to see players leave for reasons like these. Good luck.

I'm not playing from a blocked country at the moment.


I'll go back to playing FFIX, took a break from it and ended up really enjoying this game.


Doubt I'll continue playing after all this, will check back on my account in a month or so and see if maybe the restrictions have been lifted.


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11 hours ago, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

Thought about creating a new account through Arena Net and not Steam but if an account can this easily be restricted and support not willing to do anything, kind of seems pointless to play the game.

You probably wouldn't have had this problem on a regular account considering everyone who has reported this problem had purchased gems on a Steam account. The support article about it also implies Steam. They could simply be checking if the Steam account is trusted or not, which requires a successful payment that's over 90 days old.

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1 hour ago, Healix.5819 said:

You probably wouldn't have had this problem on a regular account considering everyone who has reported this problem had purchased gems on a Steam account. The support article about it also implies Steam. They could simply be checking if the Steam account is trusted or not, which requires a successful payment that's over 90 days old.

My Steam account is about 10 years old. It's also public and I've got no VAC bans or anything on it.


I'm not trying to do anything sketchy, I'm just wanting to play the game.

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1 hour ago, BeefyCheetos.5094 said:

My Steam account is about 10 years old. It's also public and I've got no VAC bans or anything on it.


I'm not trying to do anything sketchy, I'm just wanting to play the game.


No one is going through your personal steam account. That's not how these things work. The fact your account is 10 years old is irrelevant. The fact that you have no VAC bans is irrelevant.


There are automated systems in place which flag or unflag issues automatically in such cases. In regards to payment issues, these are most often tied to minimum refund time-frames. That's nothing personal against you, that's just how these things are being done because there are thousands, hundred-thousands or even millions of such events happening daily.


You are free to take a break and check back later. You can also contact customer support again but it is highly unlikely that they will be able to assist, not because they don't want to, but because they can't.

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8 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


No one is going through your personal steam account. That's not how these things work. The fact your account is 10 years old is irrelevant. The fact that you have no VAC bans is irrelevant.


There are automated systems in place which flag or unflag issues automatically in such cases. In regards to payment issues, these are most often tied to minimum refund time-frames. That's nothing personal against you, that's just how these things are being done because there are thousands, hundred-thousands or even millions of such events happening daily.


You are free to take a break and check back later. You can also contact customer support again but it is highly unlikely that they will be able to assist, not because they don't want to, but because they can't.

A support team that can't interact with or use their own software doesn't make sense.


Also if you read the email they sent me, they chose not to remove the restrictions on my account.

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