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Is Scepter Cata a Fight We Can Win?


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5 minutes ago, Zuko.7132 said:

I’ve been getting kited to death by scepter catas. It seems like it’s their fight to lose not ours to win. Any tips?

Just going to state off the bat that I haven't fought one with warrior but did so on soulbeast (i turned my warrior into a mule for wintersday gathering tools). Truthfully, your only shot is speed runes + unblockable attacks (like dagger/x spellbreaker or using bladesworn at a pro player level).


Spellbreaker lacks the damage needed to finish, bladesworn is very clunky and is outplayed easily too. Warrior as a whole doesn't have the tools to force it into a loss unless the player is extremely greedy and doesn't run away for some strange reason.


If no other suggestions you get on this thread work, i'd say go berserker and gunflame spam with signet of might.

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first its very different between pvp and wvw.


but in general, its really all about catching them during a few windows.


- when they just enter air or fire and are on the attack.


- just after they switch out of water (except when they switch to earth), specially if they switch to air and fire out of water.


if you can't kill them during these windows you won't be killing them, unless they're very very low. because when they next rotate they will be mitigating or healing to full, or both in succession.


it also depends how aggressive they are and how much pressure you are under. if they have you constantly under pressure forget about bursting them down, there will be no windows.



Edited by eXruina.4956
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17 hours ago, eXruina.4956 said:

first its very different between pvp and wvw.


but in general, its really all about catching them during a few windows.


- when they just enter air or fire and are on the attack.


- just after they switch out of water (except when they switch to earth), specially if they switch to air and fire out of water.


if you can't kill them during these windows you won't be killing them, unless they're very very low. because when they next rotate they will be mitigating or healing to full, or both in succession.


it also depends how aggressive they are and how much pressure you are under. if they have you constantly under pressure forget about bursting them down, there will be no windows.



I don't think air is a particularly good window. They have 2 ammos of blind and superspeed to kite. Also gale is a 32 second cooldown and our block is 30 seconds, and with fresh air they can use it whenever they want. Fire sure, but they won't be in it long. With fresh air, they constantly have access to that blind and superspeed, so they kite you and when you finally close you're blinded.


But ya I'm talking about a 1v1 with a good player. In my experience there is no way to win. All they have to do is dodge your gap closers then kite away and free cast with superspeed.

Edited by Zuko.7132
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1 hour ago, Zuko.7132 said:

I don't think air is a particularly good window. They have 2 ammos of blind and superspeed to kite.

in the past blinds is a huge problem, but post oct 2022, with resillient roll introduced, any warrior today by default would be buffering their important attacks with resistance from dodge against a blind capable class.


also by window, i mean it specifically that in air and fire, the window you attack is where they're coming at you aggressively.


also we can banter all we want about this and that counterplay, but if you think its unwinnable, its already unwinnable.


don't get me wrong, i can relate with the struggles. it is what it is.


in the end all thats left is to fight, and try your hardest to win. 💪

Edited by eXruina.4956
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It depends on the weapons and build you are running. It’s usually a “can you catch me or not” matchup, so kind of balanced in that it can lopsidedly favor one or the other depending on how they approach. 
At least for dagger+shield/GS, which is still my preferred kit. Just be sure you are stripping stab, not wasting CC when they have stab, and dodging their hard hitting skills. It’s a lot easier after the defense rework. 

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