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Heal Cata / Jade Sphere Energy


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Hey, wanted to suggest that just like druid and celestial energy that jade sphere energy gain would be off healing and damage together.
It'd enable decent uptime to an off meta build and feel less tedious to build it up (especially after downstate where you lose all damage momentum and energy)

Hoping for it to be in game, cheers.

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Or since it is just a single skill and doesn't give access to a bunch of strong skills like druid's avatar. They could have the energy passively regen like it does on revenant. Or be more reliable to get like warrior adrenaline. If they keep energy at all. (The only reason hammer 3 skills exist like they do at all is because of that)

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Healing maybe a bit too easie unless its on an icd. I still think the best way to do give added energy is though doing combos. But i must say anet is kind of weaid with combos as if they are unsure the player base understand there uses so anet may never require the use of combos in any way.

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Energy gain for dps builds is fine, it's just that most people didn't figure out there's a delay in gain when you actually use a sphere- only after few seconds you'll start gaining energy again.

I am more specifically talking about a niche build that has hard time with gain because of the low damage output- would be nice if there was a countermeasure for gain via healing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/13/2023 at 5:04 PM, DarkLurk.2790 said:

Hey, wanted to suggest that just like druid and celestial energy that jade sphere energy gain would be off healing and damage together.
It'd enable decent uptime to an off meta build and feel less tedious to build it up (especially after downstate where you lose all damage momentum and energy)

Hoping for it to be in game, cheers.

Quite shocked to see a heal Catalyst thread! I've been playing it since about a month after EoD hit and its my main healer for every piece of instanced content I do. The energy can feel really rough and as you mentioned going downstate is hell as you lose all your energy, adding even more complexity to the build/role as you need to be playing perfect to not go downstate, otherwise getting the energy back can take a while without wasting Frost Bow to build the energy back.


I've spent a lot of time theorizing ways for them to fix energy but I never thought about healing being a contributing factor towards jade sphere energy. It would be quite a nice change actually as you're always giving regeneration + Soothing Mists and then burst healing from Water Ripple. With spheres having icds anyway, I don't feel it would be an issue to have the energy gain uncapped either. It is already odd the class mechanic is locked behind an energy system and a cooldown but if they really wanted to keep it in place, something like this would be quite nice and it would give a lot of flexibility to a healing Catalyst build and might even allow for a 4-sphere deployment so more boon coverage as rn I tend to do fire/air/earth and if I have an alacrity Mirage I can drop water instead.


Really like the idea and it's cool to see someone else is playing heal Catalyst as I've seen literally no one in game doing so 🤣

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/26/2023 at 10:27 PM, Sorasnobody.9350 said:

Quite shocked to see a heal Catalyst thread! I've been playing it since about a month after EoD hit and its my main healer for every piece of instanced content I do. The energy can feel really rough and as you mentioned going downstate is hell as you lose all your energy, adding even more complexity to the build/role as you need to be playing perfect to not go downstate, otherwise getting the energy back can take a while without wasting Frost Bow to build the energy back.


I've spent a lot of time theorizing ways for them to fix energy but I never thought about healing being a contributing factor towards jade sphere energy. It would be quite a nice change actually as you're always giving regeneration + Soothing Mists and then burst healing from Water Ripple. With spheres having icds anyway, I don't feel it would be an issue to have the energy gain uncapped either. It is already odd the class mechanic is locked behind an energy system and a cooldown but if they really wanted to keep it in place, something like this would be quite nice and it would give a lot of flexibility to a healing Catalyst build and might even allow for a 4-sphere deployment so more boon coverage as rn I tend to do fire/air/earth and if I have an alacrity Mirage I can drop water instead.


Really like the idea and it's cool to see someone else is playing heal Catalyst as I've seen literally no one in game doing so 🤣

You are definetly not alone playing heal cata. Playing it almost from expac release. Mostly in raids and strikes. (playing only supports gets annoying pretty fast for me). Doing heal quick tanking on all raid bosses except deimos (hand kiting on cata). Heal + sabetha kiting and so on. It has great heals, full boon coverage with 1200 range is awesome. Like in OLC I can take aggro from blue on last phase and still provide my sub with heals and boons. 

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On 3/11/2023 at 11:32 AM, ZloyMakak.1429 said:

You are definetly not alone playing heal cata. Playing it almost from expac release. Mostly in raids and strikes. (playing only supports gets annoying pretty fast for me). Doing heal quick tanking on all raid bosses except deimos (hand kiting on cata). Heal + sabetha kiting and so on. It has great heals, full boon coverage with 1200 range is awesome. Like in OLC I can take aggro from blue on last phase and still provide my sub with heals and boons. 

Yeah! I have the exact same usage of it. I always tank in my w1-4 guild full clears and cover extra roles. Kiting on Sabetha is so smooth as I don't even need to go back melee so no worries of dropping flak. I can cast spheres just in range of me and the group so I get quickness/protection too which helps.


I've been tanking green myself in olc so I can role squish and keep an extra dps on the red watchknight instead of it being a dps out tanking. It feels like a little niche role in olc that only really heal cata can do comfortably due to having such high range boon/heal application.

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