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Huge and annoying clone death visual (mirage)


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Not sure if this has been a bug since last year but recently equipped the aurene focus, and noticed running around on mirage in pve that occasionally when clones die, the usual visual effect is much bigger (edit - not sure if it varies, i've had some that like a flashbang on screen if near to the player, and some less so if further away). It's actually quite annoying and painful with the sudden flash over a large part of the screen.

I've been trying to narrow down what is going on, and the only thing that I can come up with is the aurene death animation is having some odd interplay with clones - but instead of the aurene death visual, they do their normal death disintegration but on steroids. Doesn't happen all the time, only occasionally. Edit - if it isn't to do with the weapon, then something must have made it trigger more often in a recent patch.

Does anyone else get this?

I don't think it's a driver issue as everything else is fine.

Edit - and of course sods law on writing this it's quite unpredictable to replicate. Best to use DE and go through a group of enemies, should happen eventually.

Edit 2 - edited title in light of info from Waffles below.

Edited by Curunen.8729
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2 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:

Not sure if this has been a bug since last year but recently equipped the aurene focus, and noticed running around on mirage in pve that occasionally when clones die, the usual visual effect is much bigger (edit - not sure if it varies, i've had some that like a flashbang on screen if near to the player, and some less so if further away). It's actually quite annoying and painful with the sudden flash over a large part of the screen.

I've been trying to narrow down what is going on, and the only thing that I can come up with is the aurene death animation is having some odd interplay with clones - but instead of the aurene death visual, they do their normal death disintegration but on steroids. Doesn't happen all the time, only occasionally.

Does anyone else get this?

I don't think it's a driver issue as everything else is fine.

Edit - and of course sods law on writing this it's quite unpredictable to replicate. Best to use DE and go through a group of enemies, should happen eventually.

It sounds like maybe its your cameras pov in relation to the clones placement on screen as the effect triggers?


I didnt do any of the eod legendary items so I cannot test, but it made me wonder if it could just be a perspective thing making it seem larger.


At first it made me think about how each time a new clone is spawned they perform legendary weapon deploy animations including trinket effects, but that sounds like another type of issue than what you describe.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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This is a mirage bug and idk what triggers it. For me sometimes when I use illusionary ambush the mesmer butterflies are like 50x their original size. I get asked all the time about it, but since idk how it works and I can't replicate consistently, I just play it off as "mirage magic" lol.

Hopefully it starts at correct time, but skip to 2:03 to see what I mean. I use IA and the butterfly effects take up my whole screen. Is that what you are talking about?

Edited by Waffles.5632
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@Waffles.5632Yes that's exactly it.

Actually you're right I've noticed it now even without the aurene legendary equipped - though never seem to have had this before, or maybe so rarely that it passed me by. But I can't recall on any weapon set on mirage the way it's happening now. Maybe something in a recent patch has made it trigger more often?

It's odd, I can go for several minutes with nothing, then all of a sudden massive screen blinding butterflies!

@Moradorin.6217I have the camera all the way out with max fov on an asura, which makes it even more of a shock when it goes off! 😄

Edited by Curunen.8729
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  • Curunen.8729 changed the title to Huge and annoying clone death visual (mirage)

I have seen this bug happen as long as I've been playing Mirage, so least 2-3yrs.

I would say my experience is same as yours. I'll go a length of time without it, and then every once in awhile BAM BUTTERFLIES!! It always seems to be with IA as well if that helps.

If I'm being honest though I kind of like it. 😅


I think most recent patch broke a lot of things so I would not be surprised if it somehow caused this issue to appear again! I'll keep a look out and see if I can get some clips of it happening myself.


Edit: The only thing I can think of is the fact that IA both randomizes you and your clones, and teleports you around target, so that that got me thinking that the graphics associated with IA flip out sometimes because IA truly is the most random skill in the game. You never know where it's going to place you, but that's all I got!






Edited by Waffles.5632
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