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PVE Virtuoso vs Chronomancer DPS


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I wanted to try out the Chrono Spec because i heard it's more DPS in the long run, but when i tested i had a 2-3k DPS difference.

Virtuoso 8.8 k- 9.2k

Chrono   6.2k - 7.1k


Is this normal or am i missing something? Or is the utility u get why ppl play chrono?

i followed this build https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Chronomancer_-_Power_DPS


Edit: I used Continuum Split too

Edited by Spreyz.9736
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I'm guessing you mean Power builds.

Most of your damage as a Chronomancer, comes from Phantasms and reseting them with you Signet heal and Continuum Split. Most of you open damage comes from casting each phantasms 3 times in a row. 

While Virtuoso is all about Shatters and Phantasms so you want priorities the F1 Shatter off-cooldown while only reseting the phantasms 2 times.


You are probably losing damage in between the burst rotation. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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4 hours ago, Spreyz.9736 said:

I wanted to try out the Chrono Spec because i heard it's more DPS in the long run, but when i tested i had a 2-3k DPS difference.

Virtuoso 8.8 k- 9.2k

Chrono   6.2k - 7.1k

Is this normal or am i missing something? Or is the utility u get why ppl play chrono?

Prior to the February 14th patch, the golem benchmarks were roughly 38k-39k dps for Power Virtuoso and 39k-40k dps for Chronomancer.  I don't recall there being anything in the patch notes apart from the mantra change that would've had impact on these numbers, and I don't know if the mantra change was a net loss or gain in dps as my numbers have been almost identical (I still need to look into that).

I use both Chronomancer and Virtuoso in fractal CMs/T4s everyday, so here's my take on it:

Although Power Chronomancer has a higher benchmark than Power Virtuoso, it's worse on most if not all T4 fractal bosses in the game.  A large portion of Chronomancer's damage comes from phantasms attacking and then being resummoned by the Chronophantasma trait, which means that it takes too much time for you to build up enough phantasms to reach and surpass the damage dealt by power Virtuoso.  On bosses with short phases and/or small health bars, your group would need to be doing exceptionally poor damage for Chronomancer to reach the point where its damage surpasses Virtuoso.

That said, I still run Chronomancer on 99CM and the majority of T4 Dailies because I personally find it a lot more enjoyable to play than Virtuoso.  If you can play it at a high level, you can still easily out-dps the majority of pick-up group players and there are areas where Chronomancer shines over Virtuoso.

  • Chronomancer is generally much better than Virtuoso when fighting trash mobs as their miniscule health bar allows the nature of instant cast AOE shatters and the cleave from main-hand sword to shine. 
  • Continuum Split + Mass Invisibility + Mistlock allows Chronomancer to provide the entire party with long duration stealth for skips.
  • Chronomancer has access to a solid Power Quickness DPS build.
  • Chronomancer has more defiance bar damage (CC).


Edited by Jables.4659
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On 2/19/2023 at 3:44 AM, Jables.4659 said:

Prior to the February 14th patch, the golem benchmarks were roughly 38k-39k dps for Power Virtuoso and 39k-40k dps for Chronomancer.  I don't recall there being anything in the patch notes apart from the mantra change that would've had impact on these numbers, and I don't know if the mantra change was a net loss or gain in dps as my numbers have been almost identical (I still need to look into that).

I use both Chronomancer and Virtuoso in fractal CMs/T4s everyday, so here's my take on it:

Although Power Chronomancer has a higher benchmark than Power Virtuoso, it's worse on most if not all T4 fractal bosses in the game.  A large portion of Chronomancer's damage comes from phantasms attacking and then being resummoned by the Chronophantasma trait, which means that it takes too much time for you to build up enough phantasms to reach and surpass the damage dealt by power Virtuoso.  On bosses with short phases and/or small health bars, your group would need to be doing exceptionally poor damage for Chronomancer to reach the point where its damage surpasses Virtuoso.

That said, I still run Chronomancer on 99CM and the majority of T4 Dailies because I personally find it a lot more enjoyable to play than Virtuoso.  If you can play it at a high level, you can still easily out-dps the majority of pick-up group players and there are areas where Chronomancer shines over Virtuoso.

  • Chronomancer is generally much better than Virtuoso when fighting trash mobs as their miniscule health bar allows the nature of instant cast AOE shatters and the cleave from main-hand sword to shine. 
  • Continuum Split + Mass Invisibility + Mistlock allows Chronomancer to provide the entire party with long duration stealth for skips.
  • Chronomancer has access to a solid Power Quickness DPS build.
  • Chronomancer has more defiance bar damage (CC).


Chrono is definetly more tempting to me as well, or was before damage testing. I like the design and you're not just dependant on waiting for your 5 blades.

I will try to practice again if i have the time. I dont really get the signet of ether thing yet.

Virtuoso' Damage is really crazy if you look at how low effort the playstyle is.


But 1k dps diff definetly seems more legit, than my 30% difference. Now i'm really intrigued in learning what i'm doing wrong.

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On 2/18/2023 at 11:08 PM, Spreyz.9736 said:

Virtuoso 8.8 k- 9.2k

Chrono   6.2k - 7.1k

These DPS numbers are a bit low, are you testing with all boons and crit-capping? Boons easily 2x your DPS and crit-capping means getting to 75% crit-chance on chrono and 60% on virtuoso, the last 25/40% you get from the fury boon, virtuoso has the quiet intensity trait that makes fury more effective so that is where the crit-chance difference comes from.

Personal recommendation would be to start with virtuoso instead of chrono. The rotation for power-virtuoso is quite similar to chrono but more forgiving. For example you don't have to worry about interrupting the auto-attack chain of sword and less skills that interrupt other skills.

What really helped me is to time the rotation around your phantasms. What you then get is

  • dagger/sword loop: Sword phantasm -> press buttons till sword phantasm is off cooldown -> sword phantasm and weapon swap
  • greatsword loop: Phantasmal berserker -> ether signet -> phantasmal berserker -> press more buttons -> phantasmal berserker and weapon swap

This should get you to 25-30k DPS (assuming gear and traits are in order), the rest of the DPS is just optimizing the rotation and pressing buttons faster. The chrono rotation can also be times around your phantasms in the same way.


There is an easy mistake to make with both chrono and virtuoso and that is interrupting your phantasm skills. For example ether signet will interrupt whatever you are doing. So when casting phantasmal berserker and immediately pressing ether signet you will interrupt the phantasm summon losing a big chunk of DPS. Same goes for

  • Greatsword 3 (mind stab) for some reason
  • Sword 2 (blurred frenzy) <-- only relevant when playing chrono


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