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[BUG] The Crystal Dragon - Insane Camera Shake bug that persists unless swopping characters or exiting the game (spoilers)

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There is a ridiculous bug at the moment happens in the ingame cinematic where Kralkatorrik unleashes his breath attack against Bram's shield and Aurene that gets the camera stuck in an over emphasised camera shake where it flings the camera around wildly.  The camera "Shake" is so ridiculous that the icon on the mini map of you character facing is just switching facing every split second and the visual of the bug is instantly headache inducing. I have attached a gif of the bug in action and have recreated this bug 4 times same result every time. I dont recommend that anyone with motion sickness of any kind view the gif. I am not sensitive to motion sickness, but it gives me a headache.Camera Shake bug in Guild Wars 2, living world season 4, chapter 5, The Crystal Dragon

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, mrTheCsoki.5297 said:

Yeah, its bugged. This happens to me, cant finish this story. I already reported 2 times, still not fixed or answered. Disable camera shaking not works/ help.

in game bug reports dont get a response as said by the window you get when making said report.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some people have suggested to disable camera shake in the settings (which did work for me), but figured I'd echo that just going to character select does not stop the bug. Completing the fight does NOT STOP THE BUG EITHER. The only thing that I could trigger to stop it was dying, but once revived (I'm ranger so I had pet revive) the shaking continues. I'll link a video in hopes maybe Arena Net can update/trace whats going on.




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  • 2 months later...
On 3/13/2023 at 8:14 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Ouch, that's not fun to look at. I'm sorry that's happening--I alerted the team so they can start looking into it.

This Bug still exists... just ran into it. And the worst is, the 'Disable Camera Shake' option does not seem to work anymore?! All the Events in the instance still have cam shake... EDIT: Apparently 'Enable Camera Shake' needs to be off and 'Disable Player Camera Shake' needs to be on, then the cam shake was correctly turned off and the instance was finishable.

Honestly really sad since the mission and the fight was absolutely awesome. But the tech problems made it a real hassle.

Edited by wolframit.4036
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