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Short Fuse - Power Melee Untamed [GW2 WvW Video]


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ArenaNet nerfed Unnatual Traversal and by doing so ruined the ability to combo in a more creative way with Untamed, a pretty massive blow considering the facts that almost every class/spec can instantly teleport and precast stuff beforehand while they decide ranger should not have fun and took its ability to do so.

Well... that will not stop me from bonking out groups to oblivion, Untamed still lives, and Untamed is mad.
Sharing my experience after the Unnatual Traversal nerf and my new life of "Go hard or Go home".
Let me know what you think šŸ™


Edited by DarkFlopy.8197
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First of all, I will state thatĀ you are a good player that's itĀ and with that said all the following criticism is solely directed to the Untamed.


It sucks, simple as that, it's possibly the worst class design I saw in a videogame, to the point where you don't know if it was developed by people working outside the company, it was designed with zerg/group fights in mind while being linked to a mechanic which becomes useless during zerg fight.....this is absolutely bonkers.

There is nothing to justify melee combat outside usingĀ a whole elite on a whopping 1s cast time, go in for few secs hoping you don't die in the processĀ while your entire class mechanic instantly goes on a lengthy CD with pets instantly killedĀ . How that make any kittening sense? It doesn't...but people try their best to make this pile of trash work, after all they wasted money and they want to see a return for their time/money investment and I don't fault people for wishing that. But the truth isĀ untamed is kitten, it a core ranger with a hammer and a bubble...that's all. It brings no team utility, still reliant on an obsolete mechanic and to rub even more salt in the wound :Ā EoD pets are even worst than core pets, nobody use any of them outside the turtle....few rare times.

In an ideal world, where people solely play ranger...they should be entitled to a full refund for those who want it

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They started doing the espec, but halfway through they realized they made three parts of different especs so now Untamed is a:
- Pet espec
- CC espec
- Tank/bruiser espec
As a result it does nothing special compared to Druid and Soulbeast, you need to deal with multiple mechanics tied to one state button and it's incredibly high APM.

They need to rework it, instead of duck taping new parts on, until one of them is so overpowered it carries the entire spec.

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Well I have lost hope on the game's balance entirely, all the classes lost themselves, every spec is more badly designed than the other and there are more bugs in their core that exist for years that doesn't seem like will ever get fixed.

Ranger is the prime example of how kitten and buggy it is, even Mechanist is a better ranger than ranger.

But complaining will get me to nowhere, its been 10years and it doesn't seem to get better, I'm just trying to have fun with what little I have left.

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Supposedly so many complained about how tough Rangers were that Anet decided to weaken the class so much that it's extremely difficult to play any more. For the first few weeks in WvW I was finally able to survive combat and kill enemy players, after that it was back to struggling to survive. In open world Smokescales are some of the toughest things you will come up against. But not with the untamed. All pets have become the same. As was mentioned by others, they die so fast you can't count on them and then the cool down makes it worse. If my Mechanist had higher health, I would play it instead. And I thought I was doing better doing damage until I saw how much faster other players killed targets using other classes. But what do you expect with the awful series of changes Anet has made to the game overall.

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