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Mastery Experience and Spirit Shards


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So, I read that I cannot gain Spirit Shards anymore until I completed my Mastery tracks in HoT. Does this apply to the unlocked Mastery Tracks or to the locked ones as well? E.g., can I fill complete my unlocked mastery tracks and then get spirit shards from experience again, or do I have ro unlock tracks like the Raid one as well and complete it before I am able to get Spirit Shards again?Alternatively, is there another way to get those shards?

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To get spirit shards from experience in HoT maps you have to complete all HoT masteries including raid masteries. List below:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks

Core maps, same thing you have to complete all core masteries. Same for PoF maps. There are other ways to get shards, completing daily, from using tomes of knowledge on a level 80 character, and other sources, see link below.

Spirit shard acquisition:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spirit_Shard

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Shards drop randomly from foes, from champ bags, from PvP/WvW rewards, and from various other sources. These sources were there because there was a year-long period (from ~6 months before HoT, to ~6 months after) when no one could earn shards from XP (experience earned during that period had no value at all). On the whole, those sources are plenty for most people's needs. Veterans will eventually end up with far more than they can use (the date of "eventually" depending on the content you do, the needs you have for shards).

Currently, you do have to max Raid masteries to earn shards via XP in HoT maps, but that will change on Tuesday. If you haven't unlocked raid masteries, you need only complete the other HoT tracks. (I'm not sure about Ancient Magics — I think that will work the same, i.e. you can earn XP-based-shards if it's fully locked or maxed, but not in between).

As @JustTrogdor.7892 says, for Core Tyria, you need to complete all its tracks (Pact Commander, Fractal Attunement, Legendary). And similarly in PoF, you need to complete the core mount masteries. Once you start on Griffon, to continue to earn, you have to complete that one, too.

tl;dr you probably won't have to worry about it. Shards drop all over the place.

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