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Is blatant and obvious wintrading ever going to be punished?


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Anyone who plays a lot of conquest know how matchmaking works and has a feel for the gw2 pvp community and its players, so when players on leaderboards have 120 wins-8 loss it's blatantly obvious to everyone to the point it's a joke lol. Anyone who has played this games pvp for a few years has experienced the amount of afk players and rage quiters that are present in the games pvo community. They've also had many many matches where they've never been downed, won every engagement vs rhe enemy including outnumbered fights while getting many full caps just to end up in a loss while have almost every top stat in the team. Players who match manipulate etc fill new players with nonsense defending their bs by saying anyplace that's good enough can carry a full team....no they can't. If ur team is feeding and ignoring caps u can be a pvp God and u will still lose the match, that's not including the afk and rage quiters which will 100% be present in some of ur matches. Top players that stream also almost always pvp on alts if their solo queueing, they save their main acc for dual queue "special time" matches haha. Thwy are definitely great players but sad they care that much about the ranking.


Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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One time, when they were caught red handed wintrading and account sharing, they were given only a few months of dishonor, and Anet claimed they took a away the titles and rewards. But, they did nit take away the titles and the same cartel came back in full force. But there are players who have been terminated for mean words....awesome company

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