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Game Client Not Downloading

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Soo i've played this game for years, same pc, same internet, same everything, spent good thousands euros on this game. Today i've tried to reinstall the game after a break and it's going incredibly wrong. The game client stops downloading the game at around 3-9% and my download speed goes from 20mbs to 1-0kbs, i've tried everyting: checked firewall, reseted the router, restarted the pc and almost reinstalled my windows xD sadly anything won't work. This needs to be fixed real quick 

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I had the same issue some days ago, and was able to fix this by adding "-assetsrv" (or -assetsrv to the executable (I'm from EU, those IPs are from NA). As described here :

Nevertheless, even after that, it stopped multiple times, and i had to restart the launcher to get it back working. Especially the last 5% was a pain in the a**. But after ~30 restarts it finished. Have an eye on the remaining files-count. There you can see if it downloaded a few more files.

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Update: still not working and i've tried "-assetsrv http://origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com" and some windows network settings. Really sad, looks like i'm gonna play in a few months after the 1kbs will finish downloading from 8% to playable xD 

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3 minutes ago, Riwiz.9423 said:

i've tried "-assetsrv http://origincdn.101.arenanetworks.com"

That option was removed years ago. You have to modify the hosts file instead. The primary server (origincdn) however is currently very slow and is throwing errors, so it should only be used as a last resort. Launch with the following option instead:

-patchconnections 30

That should let you download for longer before it gets stuck, then you can either restart the launcher and hope you get a server that works, or modify the hosts file.

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I still had issue trying to complete the download, got about 48GB before the launcher just stopped.  No amount of retries would get it to proceed any further, but at least it was playable.  What worked for me came from:



Ironically, this was a problem 3 years ago when I was taking a break from the game.  I basically followed the idea on page 3 from @SoulCaptive.9645.  After editing the host file on my pc and restarting the launcher, the download is working normally for me again.  Makes me wonder what is happening on the back-end that allows for this to work.


At any rate, hope this helps...

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11 hours ago, StrangeDaze.2958 said:

Makes me wonder what is happening on the back-end that allows for this to work.

The main server that acts as a source for the mirror servers can throw an error page instead of the file being downloaded, or drop the connection while the download is in progress. The mirrors will cache these errors or incomplete files, resulting in the affected servers hosting corrupted files. When GW2 tries to download these files, the checksum doesn't match, so it'll retry 5 times, then fall back to an uncompressed version of the file and try again. When both of these files happen to be corrupted on the servers you're downloading from, it becomes stuck.

Modifying the hosts file to use the main server fixes the problem because unlike the mirrors that cached the problem (for up to 30 days until the cache expires), the main server will work on the next attempt. Restarting GW2 may also randomly work, because chances are you're downloading from different servers each time.


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