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Is there a Trick to Get the Story Achievements?


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I have been trying to get some of the achievements while doing the Hearth of Thorns story but even though i do what is required i don't get some of the achievements even though I met the criteria. Is there something I am missing?

For example today I am at Act 2 and did the trials in Tarir. I did not die in Trial of Strength which is the only criteria and should reward me with "Never Say Die" but it did not. In Trial of Wits I did not kill any sparks and it should have awarded me "No More Time" achievement but again i did not get it. And finally in teamwork trial i did not revive any of the Pact soldiers(which took like an hour) but i did not receive "Leave It to Me" achievement. However I got the "Predatory Prey" achievement for killing every enemy in the trial. I don't understand why i am getting some of the achievements and not getting the rest. What am I doing wrong?

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I recommend checking the wiki and Dulfy to verify that you are doing everything correctly, and then, if you are still certain you should be getting them, start a help ticket.A lot of the achieves can be a little tricky; a description of "don't die" might include not getting into a downed state, for example, while others include every member of your party if you aren't playing alone. Between the wiki and dulfy's guides you shouldn't have any further trouble.

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I have found something like this from 2 years ago in this link

"Not a bug. Can only earn these on a second playthrough on a character that has gone through it before."

Is this correct? Some achievements can be unlocked at first playthrough while some can't? If so Is there any way to distinguish?

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@Blage.5610 said:I have found something like this from 2 years ago in this link

"Not a bug. Can only earn these on a second playthrough on a character that has gone through it before."

Is this correct? Some achievements can be unlocked at first playthrough while some can't? If so Is there any way to distinguish?

This isn't the case with these achievements, as I did the story for the first time last night and received all the ones mentioned, except for the last one because I didn't have an hour to waste.

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@Blage.5610 said:I have found something like this from 2 years ago in this link

"Not a bug. Can only earn these on a second playthrough on a character that has gone through it before."

Is this correct? Some achievements can be unlocked at first playthrough while some can't? If so Is there any way to distinguish?

Should only be season 2 affected by this. It isnt a bug, more an outdated design decision. To know whether you can qualify for an achievement, when you enter the instance, a yellow icon appears above your skill bar which disappears if you fail. If you hover your mouse over the icon, it will tell you which achievement is eligible.

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