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Grand Marshal.4098

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This change would benefit both comp and PvE of course.

Our Sigent trait is in quite the peculiar traitline, bit that is a discussion for another time.

The trait itself is very good, bit the signers themselves are mediocre at best.

For starters we can either have the trait remain the same PLUS passive effects remaining while the signers are recharging (most other professions do this already) or we can let the trait itself decrease signet Cooldowns and grant signet of ferocity, while signers on their own are improved.

For starters the bug which does not allow you to maintain your stacks of ferocity signet when mounting or transforming needs to go. Also each signet activation should refresh ferocity signet anew. 500 ferocity sure is strong, but the only reason you'd pick that trait is if you already have 2 or 3 signets and then there is the passive proc too (more on this in a minute). Aka it's easy to maintain 500 ferocity anyway, might as well make it easy the fun way.

With that out of the way let's visit some signets.

SoM: mostly fine, 180 power in competitive kinda meh, hard to take over other utilities. I could see it played more if it pulsed self might at intervals and the active was the power gaining part. 

SoF: conditional precision is definitely bad here. Should be an easy fix if we maintain passives with a new trait. Otherwise, just make the passive a big ferocity increase with the active granting more ferocity and a period of guaranteed crit, as well as adrenaline.

SoR: for comp needs to build adrenaline at a faster pace, boons should last longer.

SoS: passive should stay as it is now, remove casttime and also have its passive heal on endurance recovery. Weird I know, but this could make something interesting when matched with Vigor from defense or MMR. Active ain't that bad, could be better as in, for the next 5 seconds cleanse 2 condos every second. Less overall cleanse but more reliable.

SoD: the healing is mediocre, matching shout healing on zerker builds and coming from 1 source with high cd and no ammo. Have it grant toughness and passively give 1 stab every interval. Active can be big stab and immunity to light cc *cough dolyak stance*

HS: lesser cast time, double passive healing, resistance stays and it also makes you condi dmg immune for 2 sec. Worth taking.

The lesser signet proc should be signet of fury with 15 adrenaline and 150 ferocity when critting every 20 seconds. Counters gunflame a bit and allows for some adrenal gain without the need to slot SoF in an Arms build using the trait.


Idk meh ideas but it's whatever. Better than current signet.



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They simply need to update the trait to keep the passive going on, when the Signet is on cooldown. They'll remove the cooldown reduction eventually anyway, so the trait needs to do more.

I doubt they'll improve the Signets themselves anytime soon.

Gunflame is a meme one trick pony that doesn't need to be "countered", not even a bit. There are worse things in WvW and sPvP that are in significantly more need of being touched.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Here is a thought I just had. All splits are (PvE/Comp):

Signet of Might: Pulse 3 stacks of Might for 10s/8s every 3s. When activated gain 10 stacks of unblockable for 6s and gain 360 power for 6s/4s. 20s CD. 1/4s cast.

Signet of Fury: Pulse 3s/2s of fury every 3s. When activated gain 30 adrenaline. Also gain 100% crit chance and +20% extra critical strike damage for 5s/3s. 25s CD. Instant cast.

Signet of Stamina: Gain 10 endurance and cleanse 1 condition every 10s. When activated gain 100 Endurance, and convert 6 conditions on you into boons for 5s/3s. 45s CD. Instant cast.

Healing Signet: Current passive is unchanged. When activated gain protection, resolution, and resistance for 6s/4s. 1s cast time. 20s CD. EDIT: Forgot the healing on active. It would be 4000/3000 with 1.0/1.5 scaling.

Dolyak Signet: Pulse 500/200 barrier with 0.1/0.25 scaling every 3s. When activated break stuns and grant 3000/2000 barrier with 0.2/0.5 scaling. 40s CD. Instant cast.

Signet of Rage: Gain 10 adrenaline every 3s. When activated gain 20 stacks of might, fury, quickness, and superspeed for 5s. 40s CD. 1/4s cast.

Signet Mastery: Signet passive effects now persist after activation. Signet passive and active effects now affect allies in the area. Note: The active effects of Signet of Might and Fury do not stack in duration if multiple warriors in the vicinity activate them before their durations expire. Sharing Signet of Rage to other warriors will grant them adrenaline.

EDIT: Signet of Fury would also share its adrenaline gain to other warriors. Also note that I made the base barrier and healing lower in competitive, but also gave it higher scaling than in PvE.


Edited by Lan Deathrider.5910
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On 6/1/2023 at 7:32 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Here is a thought I just had. All splits are (PvE/Comp):

Signet of Might: Pulse 3 stacks of Might for 10s/8s every 3s. When activated gain 10 stacks of unblockable for 6s and gain 360 power for 6s/4s. 20s CD. 1/4s cast.

Signet of Fury: Pulse 3s/2s of fury every 3s. When activated gain 30 adrenaline. Also gain 100% crit chance and +20% extra critical strike damage for 5s/3s. 25s CD. Instant cast.

Signet of Stamina: Gain 10 endurance and cleanse 1 condition every 10s. When activated gain 100 Endurance, and convert 6 conditions on you into boons for 5s/3s. 45s CD. Instant cast.

Healing Signet: Current passive is unchanged. When activated gain protection, resolution, and resistance for 6s/4s. 1s cast time. 20s CD. EDIT: Forgot the healing on active. It would be 4000/3000 with 1.0/1.5 scaling.

Dolyak Signet: Pulse 500/200 barrier with 0.1/0.25 scaling every 3s. When activated break stuns and grant 3000/2000 barrier with 0.2/0.5 scaling. 40s CD. Instant cast.

Signet of Rage: Gain 10 adrenaline every 3s. When activated gain 20 stacks of might, fury, quickness, and superspeed for 5s. 40s CD. 1/4s cast.

Signet Mastery: Signet passive effects now persist after activation. Signet passive and active effects now affect allies in the area. Note: The active effects of Signet of Might and Fury do not stack in duration if multiple warriors in the vicinity activate them before their durations expire. Sharing Signet of Rage to other warriors will grant them adrenaline.

EDIT: Signet of Fury would also share its adrenaline gain to other warriors. Also note that I made the base barrier and healing lower in competitive, but also gave it higher scaling than in PvE.


kitten that's pretty good. Was thinking how warrior could probably gain something from facet-like signets here and there, but with this concept, you can pretty much have a new type of warrior. Solo, or teamfighter, offensive or defensive. Would be interesting to have in Arms as a traitline.

It would allow for some good support/sustain and maybe with some life leech added to the line, our long-standing gate over strength/defense, could be removed.

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1 hour ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

kitten that's pretty good. Was thinking how warrior could probably gain something from facet-like signets here and there, but with this concept, you can pretty much have a new type of warrior. Solo, or teamfighter, offensive or defensive. Would be interesting to have in Arms as a traitline.

It would allow for some good support/sustain and maybe with some life leech added to the line, our long-standing gate over strength/defense, could be removed.

Shareable unblockables would let Rangers play in zergs too since the warrior would be baby sitting them. That kind of rework would bring a lot of gameplay options indeed.

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4 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Shareable unblockables would let Rangers play in zergs too since the warrior would be baby sitting them. That kind of rework would bring a lot of gameplay options indeed.

honestly, axe soulbeast pretty ok, same for hammer untamed, their issues are elsewhere. As for bow rangers, they can be used ig anyway. Arrowcarts woop.

But hey, when are we getting info for july? I hadly follow these days. 

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3 hours ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

honestly, axe soulbeast pretty ok, same for hammer untamed, their issues are elsewhere. As for bow rangers, they can be used ig anyway. Arrowcarts woop.

But hey, when are we getting info for july? I hadly follow these days. 

You mean June? Hell if any of us know. They promised something big though so I fully expect them to go in the completely wrong direction.

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