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The lousy state of T1 Part 2 (Match fixing scandal, return of the police)


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It's no secret that T1 was, and probably still is in a terrible state. It was essentially confirmed that T2 was match fixing a tie in order contain the awesomeness of T1 and stop it from dripping into T2. Meanwhile, BG and FA demonstrated their peerless skill by ganging up on Maguuma whom was primarily hobbled by atrociously undermanned link. Big applause to them for correctly identifying when someone is weaker than normal, and choosing exactly and only that time to fight. Those were some great weeks, not having to wait  on ques, while additionally purging some of the weaker unqualified pugs from our ranks. That being said, I must admit that things have gotten out of control, anda  firm, guiding hand is once again needed to stabilize T1. 

The police have returned from hiatus, and things will be straightened out in the coming weeks. Rest assured, the culprits have not been forgotten, and will be dealt with accordingly in the greater interest of WvW. BG has wisely chosen to tank to T4 and hide, but their time will come eventually. FA is an entirely different situation however. To be blunt, next week in T1 will be absolutely awful, and FA should hope that T2 doesn't try to match fix again, because its going if so it will be a very long two weeks. I anticipate that they will likely try to 2v1, but now that we have an actual linked server, and people are back from break, a 2v1 will only serve to further deplete their KDR, and open their bloated server even quicker. 

Best of gaming to all you,


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You can't "match fix" in wvw.  That only occurs in pvp.  Anet has said the politics or war is just as acceptable as the fighting part.  Teaming up with other guilds, regardless of servers is allowed.  As is tag watching alts, trolling tactics, etc.  That said, it's funny watching mag, who was already full, get opened twice this year by playing alts and hibernating, in the exact same fashion BG used to/still does.

If Anet wants to fix the "matches", they need to remove all scoring but kills.  Make only kills count towards the score.  That would eliminate most of the "manipulation" that is actually happening in wvw.  You know, transfers to stack, refusing to log mains to drop a tier or open (all because regardless of server name, no one wants a challenge).

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Typical of the police,

when there are bad guys around, they are never there. When not needed, they show up in large numbers.

P.S the past few weeks you have not made a great impression. You were still with adequate flow but they put you under quite a bit. Didn't you have to be the one who with a lower flow would have crushed the others anyway? Why can't they pick up the buttons correctly? I would say that I have seen the exact opposite. Until now.

P.P.S. Now you just need a nice ride in EU in the server without links. So you will have the experience of playing outnumbered for real.🤭

Have fun to all of you in NA too

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