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[ADVICE] On Infusions

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Hello everyone, 

As a relatively new player (little bit over 1y) I would like some advice on obtaining infusions.

So there are the  +9 Agony infusions which are easily obtainable from fractal vendors or TP for a bit of gold. All fine here.

If you want to gain the damage boost you need mighty or malign infusions and here's where the problem starts.

My reaper being my main is fully infused with power + 9 AR infusions (That's cool n' all) but if I lets say want to switch to a condi spec its extremely difficult to get the infusions a second time. Not to mention playing an alt...

I do understand that there are very cheap infusions in WvW but those do not offer you the AR. 

To farm just 1 infusion you need x20 Integrated Matrices and x3 +9 Agony infusion (That's an insane amount of work to get x20 for a full set.)

You could farm 65 to 69 gold and get them 1 by 1 from the TP. (Ghostly) but that equates to a ridiculous amount of work.

Farming ascended gear for new alts by doing strikes and raids is easier then getting those silly infusions...

Why is ANET doing this to us? 

I am not against farming them I do enjoy fractals but the requirements for 1 is a bit kitten...

Should i just slap one some +9 AR and move on? Is that damage boost really worth anything?

I do hope they will improve quality of life when it comes to farming the needed infusions.

How would you veterans handle this? 

Thanks in advance for all the comments.

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Stat infusions are a fractional increase and a min/max kind of item. No content really requires it and I'm fairly sure that without a DPS meter you would struggle to notice a difference between your performance with and without them.

I wouldn't stress too much and just save getting those for when you've maxed everything else.

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17 minutes ago, disco.9302 said:

Stat infusions are a fractional increase and a min/max kind of item. No content really requires it and I'm fairly sure that without a DPS meter you would struggle to notice a difference between your performance with and without them.

I wouldn't stress too much and just save getting those for when you've maxed everything else.

to add to this; you can play pretty much all content, save for the higher tier Fractals, in full exotics

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Like it says there you should stop stacking AR at 150 points. As for the benefit the stat infusions give, no they are not worth the investment. The thing I mostly use them for when optimizing my builds is to cap stats like crit chance or condi duration if I'm just little bit under (~1%) and don't want to change the build in other ways. But getting a full AR stat infusion layout is imo a long term goal only if you really want to min-max your build.

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