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PvP Rank in PvP tab


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I wish that when one clicked the PvP swords that there was something that told which number Rank you are. Like WvW has in the Rank and Abilities tab. There it says the exact Rank number and progress on it which I miss from PvP tab. Now it only shows which animal rank you have but not number or progress.

Edited by Natta.8905
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Yes but you do not want to log to Character Selection everytime you want to see which level you are or everytime go inside PvP just to see which level you are. You want to do like when you watch which level you are in WvW. When you want to see which level you are then you just want to click the PvP Swords Symbol wherever you are in the game. 

When you want to see which level you are in WvW then you click the WvW Symbol wherever you are in game, you do not go inside WvW just to see which level you are.

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It would just be nice if next to the text that says, Dolyak or which animal rank one is. That the number one is for example "Dolyak 22" or something. What do you think. BEcause when you are in open world and click the PvP Swords then you see only the animal name and progress so if a number was added then it would be enough I think. 🙂

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