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True Solo Power Mesmer Build


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Hey guys,

I did a similar post to this in the thief sub and it yielded some very positive results so I thought I'd try it here. I know that condi staff mirage is an incredible champion/bounty soloist, but I'm wondering if you guys have any suggestions for power builds that can do the same thing. I recently created my first legendary (Sunrise) and would like to have more opportunities to use a greatsword based power build that is capable of soloing champion mobs, bounties, Group events, etc etc. Thank you in advance for any and all advice (even if that advice is nope lol)!

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Power or Cele Greatsword Mirage has a great tagging build. I run it every Halloween for the lab farm. Split lasers tag pretty well. That could be useful in group events i guess. Plus, for open world, any build is fine, so go nuts on the greatsword lol.

But other than that, power doesn't seem like a good solo option for mesmer.

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There's always power virtuoso.  This thing can beat almost all melee bosses by just kiting, and it has enough options for reflects and invulnerability to keep yourself alive for quite awhile.  Power virt is one of the few specs that are 100% ranged in their damage output, letting you run into safe spaces while sacrificing nothing to do so.  Mesmers have a wide toolbox in their utility skills, so don't feel pressured to stick with the linked loadout.

Though personally I just run a greatsword version of power chronomancer.  It isn't as good as power virt, except for the continuum split burst and the innate run seed increase.  

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There are many virtuoso builds out there, but I will share my Chrono build, which has a very high skill ceiling but if played well is ridiculously powerful.


The build will have 95% to 100% uptime on 25 might, fury, alacrity and quickness. It has a lot of block and can pretty much break the bar of anything solo. It also has 100% crit chance, which allows it to fully utilize improved alacrity trait. The damage is pretty high too and you can alternate between ranged kiting, or getting in with melee for burst windows, using your blocks and cc. 

You can make some changes to the build as you see fit. I feel like greatsword and mainhand sword are needed, but you can replace off-hand sword with shield. Sadly, the build needs some +5 precision infusions to reach 100% crit chance, but you can get some pretty cheap from WvW. Your healing comes from wells, all wells heal and the cooldown of your wells will be really low when you have 100% alacrity uptime. However, the build is extremely good at mitigating damage to begin with.

If you have trouble with boon uptime, you can spam soul pastries food. It's 100 concentration and 70 power and it's a few coppers. You can be under it's effect pretty much forever.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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6 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

There are many virtuoso builds out there, but I will share my Chrono build, which has a very high skill ceiling but if played well is ridiculously powerful.


The build will have 95% to 100% uptime on 25 might, fury, alacrity and quickness. It has a lot of block and can pretty much break the bar of anything solo. It also has 100% crit chance, which allows it to fully utilize improved alacrity trait. The damage is pretty high too and you can alternate between ranged kiting, or getting in with melee for burst windows, using your blocks and cc. 

You can make some changes to the build as you see fit. I feel like greatsword and mainhand sword are needed, but you can replace off-hand sword with shield. Sadly, the build needs some +5 precision infusions to reach 100% crit chance, but you can get some pretty cheap from WvW. Your healing comes from wells, all wells heal and the cooldown of your wells will be really low when you have 100% alacrity uptime. However, the build is extremely good at mitigating damage to begin with.

If you have trouble with boon uptime, you can spam soul pastries food. It's 100 concentration and 70 power and it's a few coppers. You can be under it's effect pretty much forever.

How do you get above the 16 Might stack to 25 Might?

I just see the Well of Action providing 8 Might if you're still in it when it ends and Swordsman providing 8 Might if it hits.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

How do you get above the 16 Might stack to 25 Might?

I just see the Well of Action providing 8 Might if you're still in it when it ends and Swordsman providing 8 Might if it hits.

You need to keep a few things in mind.

Switching weapons. With greatsword, mirrorblade provides might. 

If fights take long, improved alacrity makes swordsman become ready again before might expires, adding up. And well of action perfectly becomes ready as you use it so long as you are under alacrity, which is pretty easy with this build.

The other way is using continuum split. 

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