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Just another list of things warr actually need... (PvP/WvW)


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First of all Warrior right now is all in all in a somewhat good state. It get some Defence so it could do its Job as a 1vX class. How ever it misses some QoL things and also something to make the class unique (Like Necro shroud/ Rangers pet/engis Kits etc.). 


Warriors unique thing used to be 5 Seconds weapon sweap with weapons actually dealing a high amount of dmg in Comb with hard ccs also dealing somewhat decent DPS for range pressure.


1. As it Stands now Warriors weapons are over all Garbage compared to Most other classes once. ( Most warr weapons gain 1 Thing they are able to do and thats it Just not as other classes weapons for example warrs shield is Just Block only while engis one got shock Aura at the Same time). My First Point is buff Warriors over all bursts (aside of GS/longbow/Hammer/Mace this Skills are still decent cause saw a not too hard Nerf or got finaly adressed in last patches) in terms of dmg. We used to be weapon masters so pls gain this to us!


2. The pressure to ranged classes is absolute garbage. We are forced to Play melee (aside of midranged Bladesworn but even this is not that good in terms of ranged dmg pressure). Please let us deal some DMG on ccs again (for example shield bash) so it does actually feel somewhat rewarding to Hit our Well Telegraphed CC skills and be more punishing in melee fights.


3. This Game tends to get more and more non hit mechanics in its fightmechanics. (Aegis, blinds, Invulnerability, dodge) this let Warrior struggle in terms of self Defence and dmg since you need to hit your burst skills to gain Access to buffs Like adrenal health and berserkers Power. It would Help alot to let us gain at least this two buffs on burst use and not only on hit. (Been death cause you can't hit anything cause blinds, Aegis, invuln, dodges are everywhere is not good for a class that is melee and get this high telegraphed its also pretty frustrating)


As you could see warr in its Standing Misses 2 points that make it unique from other classes (good weapon DMG means burst skills and dmg on CC for range counterplay) but also it struggles cause of mechanics been Bount to hit 1 high telegraphed Skill. Would be decent to get this 2 things adressed.


So this is how it could be adressed without making it too good:



Shield Bash: Deals now 0,8 Power scaling instead of 0,01 

Tremor: Deals now 0.8 Power scaling instead of 0,01 

Revenge Counter: Full Counter now gain a 0,8 Power Scaling. Gain 4 Seconds resistance but does not Copy any conditions anymore.



Adrenal-Health: Gain Health based on Adrenalin spent (maybe its a bug that this is not working rn since they mentioned that IT would funktion Like this now but...) You do not need to hit an enemy to gain this buff instead u rly only need to use a Burst Skill.

Berserker's Power: Gain increased Strike damage based on Adrenalin spend (See above)



Eviscerate: Deals dmg. Dmg increases each Adrenaline lvl

1lvl: 1,66 power scaling 

2lvl: 2,00 Power scaling

3lvl: 2,44 Power scaling

Decapitate: now does a 2,44 Power scaling

Flurry: does now apply 2 Seconds immobility baseline. It now apply more bleed stacks each Adrenaline lvl and You could now move while using this Skill.

1lvl: 792 bleeding (9 Seconds)

2lvl: 1000 bleeding (9 Seconds)

3lvl: 1584 bleeding (9 Seconds)

Breaching Strike: this Skill now Deals 1,66 power scaling.




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I would also want to see some damage return to OH mace in tremor, my recent thread highlights the problems with the skill and weapon overall, but perhaps it could be made better. All warrior CC should crit for 1k at least.

Or again, as we said in the past, make Body Blow apply non-crit power damage on all CCs and either bleed (for the condi builds) or weakness (tho it competes with cull the weak to a degree). Any other inhibiting condition could work, or have any CC absorb enemy endurance by a few points. That would be very interesting. 

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