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Hide Ally Visual Effects didn't show green circles of others

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My hide all doesn’t seem to work. There is the same amount of ground clutter as before. During boss fights, there are too many fields being dropped and I don’t need to see my ally fields. I can’t see mechanics. No one intentionally uses combo fields and if they did, near impossible to coordinate. 
Also as a side note the map intensity slider has reverse effects on certain maps. In hoelbrak during dragon bash. Low environmental intensity was very high snow and high intensity was actually less snow clutter. 
Since I am ranting on about effects, post processing  has been horrible for the past 10 years. Sometimes it’s great to have on during night cycle, but in day cycle it’s too bright and has this screen wide blurriness that I absolutely despise. I find myself toggling post processing every time I visit a map because it’s not standardized across the board. There are maps were I think it’s done well and other maps its intolerable. 

Edited by Fifth.8169
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Can confirm that this is affecting Cosmic Observatory Challenge Mode, among other things. Postprocessing is set to "None" for me, in case that makes a difference.

It's a major issue for an option meant to reduce visual clutter (so that you can see the actually important mechanics under all the flashing effects) to instead remove the important mechanics and not the flashing effects, and baffling that it's been going on for this long without being addressed, especially with rift hunting and Convergences having added open-world situations where it comes up too (so it now affects a much larger portion of the player base to boot).

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same problem in janthir wilds meta with green circles and arrows on the crab bosses(meta failed and some players called out they can not see anything in the crowd during fight). surprisingly some mentioned they really had ally animation hidden. the meta had so many people failing mechanics due of that and resulted to a failure due to too many charges on north's boss

Edited by HanYanrou.8629
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