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It shouldn't be this difficult!

Yogurt Goblin.5934

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I'm a simple person, all I want is a class that I can play both quick heal and alac heal.

I prefer playing support and tank builds, but it seems this very small want is made impossible by the continous choices by Anet.

There have been a total of 3 classes that were close to achieving this, Elementalist, Engineer and Revenant. But each one just gets nerfed out of use or the tools given are just not enough to actually do anything with.

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I'm confused, Ele, engineer, rev (also you missed guardian) can and still will be able to do what you want to do.


I admit heal cata is hard to play, and doesn't reward you that well for playing it, should be better now.

People forget that you can easily heal alac willbender, some raid fights i would not recomend.

Heal engi's still looking very fine.

Rev should be easier now with herald changes. Just git gud.

Wait to see, but you may be able to do heal untamed with the nature magic changes.

Necro won't work, harb no healing

Warrior will be close, some fights it is realy strong heals on, others it is pants.

Theif won't work either.

Heal mesmer is meme tier. Fights with low burst healing requirementa but large condi clear it can work though.


This gives 6/9 specs where you should be able to do what you ask.

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2 hours ago, Davros.9823 said:

I'm confused, Ele, engineer, rev (also you missed guardian) can and still will be able to do what you want to do.


I admit heal cata is hard to play, and doesn't reward you that well for playing it, should be better now.

People forget that you can easily heal alac willbender, some raid fights i would not recomend.

Heal engi's still looking very fine.

Rev should be easier now with herald changes. Just git gud.

Wait to see, but you may be able to do heal untamed with the nature magic changes.

Necro won't work, harb no healing

Warrior will be close, some fights it is realy strong heals on, others it is pants.

Theif won't work either.

Heal mesmer is meme tier. Fights with low burst healing requirementa but large condi clear it can work though.


This gives 6/9 specs where you should be able to do what you ask.

I think you misunderstand, I want a class that can do both alac heal and quick heal, not one or the other, so no 6/9 classes can't do this. You've just listed several builds that just don't work and would be get you kicked in a raid or strike.

So please have a rethink of what I've posted and get back to me, as everything you said is wrong or spectulation.


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1 minute ago, Yogurt Goblin.5934 said:

Yeah, I don't expect them to do a alac+quick healer....just want a class that can provide alacrity healing in one elite spec and quickness healing in another, and both be reasonably good.

Elementalist says "hi".
Heal alac tempest and heal quick cata are both viable.

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