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HealVin Alac


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I used to think that too and there's a part of me that still thinks it would be nice, but after seeing what happened to scourge I'm not so sure. I would like to play it as a main support in PvE, but it is in an interesting spot where I've used the alliance skills as a backup healer or a condi/heal hybrid and I am scared some of that would be destroyed, since they probably wouldn't just add alac for free. Maybe not as bad as scourge though since the Urn is already limited to 5 target. I bet if they did it though it would be tied to Vassals of the Empire trait, so you would have to choose between damage, alac, and heal just like Tempest 🥲

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Heal vind would be the perfect slot for alac. 
But only heal. Otherwise it may be fighting with alac rene. 

Alac rene should be either condi or power dps, with (at the moment) underwhelming heal/support capabilities. 
Vindi should give alac only as Healer, not as power dps. So maybe pump it up so it needs like +60% bd and put on blue alliance only

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they nerf vindi to ground like scourge if they add alac, but i really dont see a niche in game where vindi is better then anything else. it is good in open world but anything is good in open world. So maybe they could try making it useful, it it becomes trash it's not like something is lost

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15 hours ago, Seon.8402 said:

I used to think that too and there's a part of me that still thinks it would be nice, but after seeing what happened to scourge I'm not so sure. I would like to play it as a main support in PvE, but it is in an interesting spot where I've used the alliance skills as a backup healer or a condi/heal hybrid and I am scared some of that would be destroyed, since they probably wouldn't just add alac for free. Maybe not as bad as scourge though since the Urn is already limited to 5 target. I bet if they did it though it would be tied to Vassals of the Empire trait, so you would have to choose between damage, alac, and heal just like Tempest 🥲

The intent would be to give Urn 0.75s of Alac at base, scaling with BD. This way, there won't be much room for a damage variant, so it won't be competing with AlacRen. 


8 hours ago, Virdo.1540 said:

Heal vind would be the perfect slot for alac. 
But only heal. Otherwise it may be fighting with alac rene. 

Alac rene should be either condi or power dps, with (at the moment) underwhelming heal/support capabilities. 
Vindi should give alac only as Healer, not as power dps. So maybe pump it up so it needs like +60% bd and put on blue alliance only

This is exactly what I'm going for.

This seems to make the most sense for what it provides.

8 hours ago, Polar.8634 said:

they nerf vindi to ground like scourge if they add alac, but i really dont see a niche in game where vindi is better then anything else. it is good in open world but anything is good in open world. So maybe they could try making it useful, it it becomes trash it's not like something is lost

There's nothing that they would have to weaken on HealVin if they add it to Urn of Saint Viktor with a low base duration.

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2 hours ago, QuinQuin.9136 said:


There's nothing that they would have to weaken on HealVin if they add it to Urn of Saint Viktor with a low base duration.

Still they might randomly touch the damage of vindicator in general (and currently we finally have at least one good dps option on vindi so it would suck if that went to the trash can).. plus lets say vindicator gets alac. It still would miss plenty of other boons in order to compete with hfb or healmech, so just slapping alac on vindi doesnt solve anything currently

So either meta has to change in general and healers shouldnt provide literally all the boons but one to be the meta pick (so that would mean hard nerfs to hfb and healmech and any other current meta supp build since tempest and druid are getting at that spot aswell)

Or other rev legends like ventari and dwarf would need to get overbuffed with boon spam since vindicator alone with alac wouldnt be enough to be at hfb or heal mech level.. 

Idk the first way would lead to ton of unhappy people and the other would just increase the powercreep yet again in this game so dunno whatever anet decided to do there is no "best option"..

Edited by soul.9651
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