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What is an alternative for ritualist gear?

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Is the build based on full Rit gear?  I took a quick look at metabattles and saw a Mirage Alacrity Support Condi DPS build that is a mix of Viper and Rit.  If that is what you are looking at you might could use more Viper and swap in some Diviner to get the concentration.  It would only take a few pieces of Diviner, since concentration is a major stat there.  You will give up some condi and expertise, not sure if what you gain in power etc will offset the DPS numbers.

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Just use mostly vipers and add one or two cele pieces (try to stay below 150 toughness) and add a Concentration Sigil to each of your weaponsets. Should be enough, if you time your mirrors well; if not, bring more cele pieces and just mention in raids with toughness encounter, how much toughness you have, so the tank can bring slightly more. (Shouldn't matter much unless you're in a MinMax run for hard content; for those harder encounter I'd recommend getting EoD/Rit Gear anyway obv.) 
You will lose some dps when switching Sigils/not wearing Rit, but if you do well on your Rotation and spam those keys, it should be fine for most part. ❤️

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To be honest you can pass up with full viper's gear and a few ritualist accessories. I currently go with ritualist amulet, 2 ritualist rings and 1 ritualist earring. Rest is full vipers. Ah, i also use boon duration sigils.

best way to get these accessories is living world, specially S4ep6. I also wouldn't recommend  alac mirage atm, is getting gutted patch after patch  for no reason  and there's no way to say if it even will have alac in the future.

Edited by Geronmy.3298
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10 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Sigil of boon duration and concentration food should do the trick or you.

There's honestly no real alternative aside from this.

Ritualist is a very condensed stat, making it completely unrivaled for condi-based boon providers like diviner's is for power-based ones.

Condi Alacrity Mirage is not that easy to play on various bosses due to the difficulty of keeping your clones alive while also dealing damage. To people that pick it up I would definitely recommend choosing significantly MORE boon duration rather than trying to cut corners, aiming for 50%+ boon duration. And if you do that with anything but ritualist, your damage will be pathetic.

You might also want to note that condi alacrity mirage is going to receive a significant hit in their damage with the upcoming patch, so any skimping on the proper stats will just leave you with pretty much no damage at all.

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