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300 pages of feedback


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5 hours ago, MJxD.4251 said:

this is soo annoying guess i need to stop playing this game as well. it was a really nice rpg for 6 years then they had to force bad changes players didnt want. 8 secs shades like who likes having to keep placing shades every few secs?. thanks devs team you made this easy for me to walk away and not support you or your game anymore.

Im really mad about scourge , this was ridiculous! It truly is maddening they dont listen

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Maybe this will be their Bud Light moment so to speak and they'll lose a good chunk of the player base for a bad decision and have to address that. Question then is will they be like the clowns at Bud were after two months of tanking sales by coming out with a new ad that implies their target audience/customers are bumbling idiots or will they show some humility and accept they screwed up and actually start to listen the players and make changes where the biggest negative feedback is. While I don't think companies should simply run just by customer feedback, you have to read the room and when you get almost universal negative feedback then take a hint and realize you screwed up and need to change something. What they did is show nothing but disdain for the player base that gave feedback and quite a bit of hubris.

I know that I'm effectively done with the game for the time being because of this patch being the final straw so to speak. They killed my main build (signet reaper) in open world/pve for no reason other than just because. Not like signet reaper or signet any necro spec was burning up the pve charts in terms of dps/dominance or was over-represented. All they did was kill some build diversity, something they claim they want more of. Sure thing!

Oh, and they apparently also nerfed the turtle pilot booster by getting rid of the no cooldown on slam. Why? Because some were having fun actually using the turtle for a change in open world content? The horror! Definitely don't want customers of our VIDEO GAME to have fun!

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6 hours ago, loregnum.3619 said:

 While I don't think companies should simply run just by customer feedback, you have to read the room and when you get almost universal negative feedback then take a hint and realize you screwed up and need to change something.

Surely a poll of 300 is just one noisy table in the corner?  This room of players is several thousand, hardly universal negative feedback. 
There would be other threads on this same subject by different players, and the mods would helpfully merge them into this thread.  

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I expect the other folks are going to wait a bit before passing judgment.  I mean we are getting all of our elite specialization weapons unlocked and each class is getting a new weapon on top of that.  I believe that there will be some conflicts.  I strongly suspect that the power you have lost is going to show up again in a trait line, or two.  Don't think for a minute that any trait line is going to remain unchanged after they give us access to all of those weapon combinations.  Elite specializations and core trait lines are all going to be tweaked.  I guarantee that some of those tweaks will be overpowered.
I believe you all are a bit premature.  You are going to burn out all of your anger and outrage long before August 22 when the real reasons to complain will actually go live.  
Not that there will be anyone to listen to you after August 22nd, they will all be too busy trying out new weapons and trying to shatter the meta in all formats. 
They will be having fun. 
Frustration and fun, but fun nonetheless.

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2 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Surely a poll of 300 is just one noisy table in the corner?  This room of players is several thousand, hardly universal negative feedback. 
There would be other threads on this same subject by different players, and the mods would helpfully merge them into this thread.  

I belive Arc Divider change is prime example of balance team simply not giving a sh*t about how people perceive their suggested change.
That skill did not really need such change, and if they wanted to make it more useful in sPvP, they could have just split it to make both parties happy.
Same goes for scourge making the overall gameplay flow worse just so it can have alacrity.
I believe people complaining about it here on forums and reddit as well should be indication that it's not a good change. I am also still waiting for their reasoning behind these changes (which will not happen anyway).
If these changes are meant to be tied to the new weapons, they should have communicate it. Instead we got radio silence as always with no explanation.
Also I am not exactly optimistic about their combat changes they are working on.
Warrior is literally prime example that having access to multiple weapons does not guarantee better gameplay experience.

I will wait for the beta weekend to try it out, but I am quite worried about this, since they've just created a lot more problems to solve by giving everyone new weapons to use.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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