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Berserker - Quickness Trait bugged ?


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So I was excited to try the new Quickness Berserker... BUT......

According to the trait [Heat of the Soul] , you give 5 secs (I'm in full diviner armor) of quickness each time you use a "BURST" skill. (F1 by default) 

After many , MANY attempts, and with full Diviner armor, I was unable to sustain permanent quickness with perfect rotation. Even with Signet of Concentration equipped on my weapon.
Is this happening to someone else? Am I missing something?

There is no mention of any kind of cooldown with this Trait, it should give Quickness each tay you press F1, but it doesn't.

Is there any other skill I can use to provide quickness to my team? 

Is the trait bugged? Do they plan to fix it? Cause if not, please bring back the banners. There's no Quickness Berserker viable option at the moment. 70% Quickness durarion is NOT acceptable in Raids.

Please let me know if you managed to find a way to sustain quickness :) 
(And sorry for my bad english)

Edited by Erothan.2806
Missing info
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Because of Casttime.

For example: Warhorn 5 gives 20s Vigor on a 20s CD.

(If we ingore Alac) That is NOT perma. You have a short downtime.

You need way more then Boon Duration to get reliable Quickness Uptime.


But its also bugged where the effect of Hest the Soul doesnt appear anymore.

Downstate of Switching Traits helps.

Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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59 minutes ago, feeper.5287 said:

You should only need 58% boon duration to comfortably give quickness if you are using burst skills off cooldown which you should be anyways. Try this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAcfjRYL2k5gjvlWLD-zRRYBRJhCO01lRbhQFFgnDAA-e

OP is in Diviner so they are likely playing a Power build with power weapons. Meaning most likely OP is running into the Burst skill desyncing with the ICD of HTS issue.

12 hours ago, Erothan.2806 said:

So I was excited to try the new Quickness Berserker... BUT......

According to the trait [Heat of the Soul] , you give 5 secs (I'm in full diviner armor) of quickness each time you use a "BURST" skill. (F1 by default) 

After many , MANY attempts, and with full Diviner armor, I was unable to sustain permanent quickness with perfect rotation. Even with Signet of Concentration equipped on my weapon.
Is this happening to someone else? Am I missing something?

There is no mention of any kind of cooldown with this Trait, it should give Quickness each tay you press F1, but it doesn't.

Is there any other skill I can use to provide quickness to my team? 

Is the trait bugged? Do they plan to fix it? Cause if not, please bring back the banners. There's no Quickness Berserker viable option at the moment. 70% Quickness durarion is NOT acceptable in Raids.

Please let me know if you managed to find a way to sustain quickness 🙂
(And sorry for my bad english)

I don't know how you defined "perfect rotation", but it's very likely that you're not syncing up your Burst skill usage with the buff icon that appears on your buff bar indicating that Heat the Soul will proc. It has an internal cooldown of 5 seconds. 

And as per standard for any Berserker build, the second you lose Berserk (extremely likely) it will be a challenge for you to perform your job. 

Final note, Power Quickness Berserker is incredibly bad compared to most of the alternatives, both in terms of playability and performance.

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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Thanks Erothan.2806  That you bring this issue up. I do find it really hard to maintain Quickness on beserker.

If we compare it to"broken" tooltip alac warrior wich has no internal cooldown and gives 20 sec alac with diviners gear (! AND you don't even need to hit anything to give alac)

I would like to suggest the following changes:

Option 1:
Decrease the internal cooldown on the trait so you can "spam" up some quickness when you go ham on your buttons in beserk burst attacks.

To counter people not haveing much concentration gear decrease how much base quickness it gives, but scales better with concentration gear.

Option 2:
If a build has over 80%-90% boon duration quickness (IN THIS specific trait it gives an extra 5 seconds qucikness) but the player must reach the benchmark of 80%-90% boon duration for this to proc. So quickness is 10 sec with concentration gear and trait internal cooldown is still 5 sec.

Option 3:
Make it as "broken tooltip" alac bladesworn that you don't really have to hit something for it to proc so you can still create quickness without haveing a target.

Mohjos 5 cents.
Thanks arena net for giving warrior a way to give alac and quickness. Also hearing players feedback of none interactive boring quickness banner warrior 🙂 🙂 🙂

In the super long run i really hope banners will get a rework and make them into something more than plopping down on the ground and just expect to flush out boons. I always wanted them to be equipped on the back of a warrior and you get new f1-f4 skills for a certain time. But hey you can't have everything.

Thanks for your great game and initiative to make great balance patches.

Kind regards Moh.

Edited by mohjo.1269
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22 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

OP is in Diviner so they are likely playing a Power build with power weapons. Meaning most likely OP is running into the Burst skill desyncing with the ICD of HTS issue.

I don't know how you defined "perfect rotation", but it's very likely that you're not syncing up your Burst skill usage with the buff icon that appears on your buff bar indicating that Heat the Soul will proc. It has an internal cooldown of 5 seconds. 

And as per standard for any Berserker build, the second you lose Berserk (extremely likely) it will be a challenge for you to perform your job. 

Final note, Power Quickness Berserker is incredibly bad compared to most of the alternatives, both in terms of playability and performance.

Yeah quick Zerk (both condi and power) are not very good right now largely due to how poorly Zerk is designed but from what I've seen you don't use GS anymore since the Arc nerf you just do Axe/Axe. Either way I've had no issue keeping up quick with 58% BD on power 😮

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Just remove the bloody ICD already. It makes no sense either way! I could keep up quickness with 2 banners alone (but always went with 3 for redundancy) in full berserker gear. I also didn't need any adrenaline. Now I'm totally screwed. I keep getting complaints that quickness uptime is low. Boon duration on a warrior makes absolutely no sense. Warriors have so few boons to offer that it'd not only be a waste but nobody would want you because you sacrifice a lot of damage just to get to 100% uptime. People want Qdps or qheals, not something that hits like a wet noodle while only providing quickness.

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