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Swap Body Blow with Dual Wield


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  • Put Dual Wield in Strength, either keep it as is, or buff it to stack with Quickness, or rework it so that you have +Power per one hand weapon.
  • Put Body Blow in Arms, and either buff it so that you deal increased damage to foes with each conditions (like maybe 5% per condition) or have it like Reaper's Chill where you inflict bleeding every few seconds via Weakness.
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58 minutes ago, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:
  • Put Dual Wield in Strength, either keep it as is, or buff it to stack with Quickness, or rework it so that you have +Power per one hand weapon.
  • Put Body Blow in Arms, and either buff it so that you deal increased damage to foes with each conditions (like maybe 5% per condition) or have it like Reaper's Chill where you inflict bleeding every few seconds via Weakness.

So you can have 2 conflicting Grandmaster Traits in Arms as [Body Blow] competes with [Furious] on the same tier as a condi damage trait and 3 conflicting Master Traits in Strength with [Dual Wielding] competing with both [Forceful Greatsword] and [Great Fortitude] as power damage traits? 

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1 hour ago, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

I mean, isn't that the whole point of choosing traits? To offer alternatives that are all viable in some ways?

Offer alternatives that do different but still valuable things. Not have 2 competing traits that both effectively read "do more damage" - you just pick the one that works out to be more damage than the other. A real life example of this is how literally nobody takes [Forceful GS] in PVE anymore since [Great Fortitude] is more effective DPS. 

Think about Defense, you have [Shield Master] and [Cull the Weak] in the same slot that do different things but both are tasty. Or [Merciless Hammer] and [Resilient Roll] doing completely different things in the same slot but it's always a struggle picking one or the other. 


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