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toughness from eternal champion


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This is what it nowdays just do:

Eternal_Champion: Gain Stability and Endurance when entering Berserk Mode. Traits that Trigger while entering Berserk Mode also Trigger when existing Berserk Mode. You can now exist Berserk Mode early

Stability (3 Seconds)

Endurance Gained: 20



And this is what it does before it got updated back then:

Old_Eternal_Champion: Gain thougness while in Berserk Mode. Gain Stability and might when breaking a stun.

3 Might (8 seconds)

Stunbreak Stability (3 Seconds)

Thougness +300

Edited by Myror.7521
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8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

This is what it nowdays just do:

Eternal_Champion: Gain Stability and Endurance when entering Berserk Mode. Traits that Trigger while entering Berserk Mode also Trigger when existing Berserk Mode. You can now exist Berserk Mode early

Stability (3 Seconds)

Endurance Gained: 20



And this is what it does before it got updated back then:

Old_Eternal_Champion: Gain thougness while in Berserk Mode. Gain Stability and might when breaking a stun.

3 Might (8 seconds)

Stunbreak Stability (3 Seconds)

Thougness +300


we get that, but our point is that it did have +300 toughness with the new effect for a pretty long time, and it DID actually give that toughness until it just didn't sometime during one of the patches. There was no patch note on this nerf or 'bug' fix either. Would be nice if the devs could comment if this is intentional or not. 

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58 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Sailorz.5426 thats what we wanted to say with it. It where not gaining the +300 thougness it was just only in the Text ^^

no, you did gain the 300 toughness, you could literally see it in the character panel.

9 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Sailorz.5426300 toughness was added to the trait giving 300 power and 300 condi so -300 toughness just got removed

no it wasn't, it was on eternal champion where it had been originally before the trait got reworked. the trait got reworked and the tooltip kept the toughness, along with ACTUALLY getting the toughness along with it

Edited by Sailorz.5426
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8 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@ZeftheWicked.3076 literally linked u the trait, patches are at the end of site.... THEY REPLACED ENTIRELY THIS TRAIT with brand new things while also removing -300 toughness from being in berserker mode. jeez

I mean you won't link me the notes where they say they changed it because there aren't any. They replaced the trait 'ENTIRELY' on February 14th. 5 MONTHS AGO. And for 5 months they kept the IN GAME tooltip with 300 toughness AND IT DID GIVE THAT TOUGHNESS, and you think it doesn't deserve a patch note maybe in the BUG section PERHAPS?

Like all I want is for the game and the development team to be consistent at least. This literally stinks like a dev slipped this in without telling anyone because the patch notes don't mention this ANYWHERE. 


Here are the passed 2 game updates with patch notes:



Edited by Sailorz.5426
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11 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

This is what it nowdays just do:

Eternal_Champion: Gain Stability and Endurance when entering Berserk Mode. Traits that Trigger while entering Berserk Mode also Trigger when existing Berserk Mode. You can now exist Berserk Mode early

Stability (3 Seconds)

Endurance Gained: 20



And this is what it does before it got updated back then:

Old_Eternal_Champion: Gain thougness while in Berserk Mode. Gain Stability and might when breaking a stun.

3 Might (8 seconds)

Stunbreak Stability (3 Seconds)

Thougness +300

Yes I understand that, but my question is was that a description error or was zerker stealth nerfed? Because it never addressed that in the history notes. It doesn’t say it removed +300 toughness or that the text was removed. So either the change happened with the rework a long time ago but still showed the text, or the +300 toughness actually remained until the last patch and was stealth nerfed since it wasn’t mentioned in the notes. 
Either way it’s the same result but they should be careful because a lot of people (myself included) thought that we still got +300 toughness for months and months. Nbd though

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8 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Yes I understand that, but my question is was that a description error or was zerker stealth nerfed? Because it never addressed that in the history notes. It doesn’t say it removed +300 toughness or that the text was removed. So either the change happened with the rework a long time ago but still showed the text, or the +300 toughness actually remained until the last patch and was stealth nerfed since it wasn’t mentioned in the notes. 
Either way it’s the same result but they should be careful because a lot of people (myself included) thought that we still got +300 toughness for months and months. Nbd though

well, it did actually give that toughness, i mean unless the 300 more toughness i had on my stat sheet in berserk was actually not doing anything.

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36 minutes ago, Sailorz.5426 said:

well, it did actually give that toughness, i mean unless the 300 more toughness i had on my stat sheet in berserk was actually not doing anything.

Oh so before last patch you could see the toughness increase in your stats? Then that means it was stealth nerfed 

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2 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Oh so before last patch you could see the toughness increase in your stats? Then that means it was stealth nerfed 

yes I did it around last week or so, I wanted to see how high the defense stat was with shield and the toughness trait. I very vividly remember see'ing the toughess added in the character panel stat sheet

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45 minutes ago, Sailorz.5426 said:

yes I did it around last week or so, I wanted to see how high the defense stat was with shield and the toughness trait. I very vividly remember see'ing the toughess added in the character panel stat sheet

Yeah if the toughness was increased after taking that trait then yes for sure it was stealth nerfed haha

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GUYS it literally says and I quote - This trait has been reworked. It now grants stability and endurance when entering berserk mode, and it causes all traits that trigger when entering berserk mode to also trigger when exiting berserk mode.

it wasn't stealth nerfed it was reworked. 300 toughness was part of eternal champion. Patch is from feb 14 2023

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1 hour ago, Aaron.1294 said:

GUYS it literally says and I quote - This trait has been reworked. It now grants stability and endurance when entering berserk mode, and it causes all traits that trigger when entering berserk mode to also trigger when exiting berserk mode.

it wasn't stealth nerfed it was reworked. 300 toughness was part of eternal champion. Patch is from feb 14 2023


1 hour ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@gmmg.9210it wasn't a description error, annet decided to make +300 toughness baseline (theyy removed -300 toughness penalty from fatal frenzy) because it was dumb. After that they completely reworked it in feb 14th patch. OP just don't understand what rework means

no you don't get it, and you obviously don't play warrior either coz you'd know regardless of the rework it STILL gave 300 toughness for the last 5 months until just this week when they gave NO indication they were taking it away.  No report of the nerf in the berserker section and no bug fix report in the bug section. You are truly the one who doesn't get it, OR you are trying to gaslight either way, you are in the wrong.

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1 hour ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@gmmg.9210it wasn't a description error, annet decided to make +300 toughness baseline (theyy removed -300 toughness penalty from fatal frenzy) because it was dumb. After that they completely reworked it in feb 14th patch. OP just don't understand what rework means

Yes but back in the day, EC gave +300 toughness to make up for the deficit. After they took away the -300, the +300 remained in the GM trait for a long time. The stats on the character changed and got higher with toughness even last week. This means that it was not a description error. Whether the devs intended it or not, the +300 toughness was still there and still gave the increased stats.


This means that it got stealth nerfed. I'm not against this change for the record but I wish they at least said that they were making this change in the notes.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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@Sailorz.5426 @gmmg.9210 Reworked... trait got reworked. If u can't get it then w/e. When oen trait is getting reworked entirely it is getting reworked entirely, 

And @Sailorz.5426... I've been playing warr since beta. You're the one that's incapable of reading. Every class that gets trait reworked gets full desc of a new ver of trait upon release. So if something stays on reworked trait it is mentioned. And btw the trait is broken so I don't even know why u're doing this post in the first place.

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5 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Sailorz.5426 @gmmg.9210 Reworked... trait got reworked. If u can't get it then w/e. When oen trait is getting reworked entirely it is getting reworked entirely, 

And @Sailorz.5426... I've been playing warr since beta. You're the one that's incapable of reading. Every class that gets trait reworked gets full desc of a new ver of trait upon release. So if something stays on reworked trait it is mentioned. And btw the trait is broken so I don't even know why u're doing this post in the first place.

ok we know it got reworked, we all know. just because you didn't notice there was 300 toughness still tied to the trait 5 months after the rework, both in the in-game tooltip and with the effect of the ability doesn't mean no one else did. The players who cared enough to read and learn the abilities and traits of their class are going to notice when 300 toughness goes missing unexpectedly without any patch note to speak of. I'm really sorry we came asking about it, and you find the need to defend whatever it is you are trying to defend. 

But some players would like changes to their classes to be documented in the patch notes at the very least.

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