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Make Crackshot into a proper Rifle Trait.


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Rifle as a Weapon does not work in PvE.

And im not talking about DPS here.

What does make Weapons like Hammer, Axe, Longbow and Swords work?

They have traits that support them by increasing Adrenalin gain.

Hammer has Merciless Hammer.

Longbow and Sword have Furious.

Axe has Axe Mastery.

Meanwhile Rifle has nothing.


I have i build that makes Rifle playable. This however is only possible because of one minor detail.

Gunflame has a 1/4s Daze on it.

This gives it a synergy with Merciless Hammer and Aggeressive Onslaught.

Giving Rifle its much needed Adrenalin gain and Quickness Uptime( AO + Heat the Soul).

All of this doesnt feel intended and can change any moment if Anet decides to remove the Daze from Gunflame.

Without the Daze, Rifle as a Weapon grumbles to dust.


Thats why we NEED a proper Rifle Trait and Crackshot is perfect for this.

First off, Longbow doesnt need a trait on its own. Make the burning baseline and Longbow is perfectly fine.


Now what does Rifle need?

  • More Dmg
  • Faster Attackspeed
  • Adrenalin gain

Dmg and Attackspeed are something this weapon needs baseline.

My idea for a new Crackshot effect would something like this:

  • Ammunition Skills on Weapons gain one extra Ammunition.
  • Using an Ammunition Skill grants 5 Adrenalin.


Rifle needs to be supported and be a weapon that stand on its own.

And not needs to hinge on a minor detail that can change any minute.




Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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Why force Rifle into taking a trait.

It used to generate extra Adrenaline on it's AUTOATTACK on hitting a vulnerable target. It USED to be free real estate. Revive and reshuffle that and give the ability to generate extra adrenaline per hit to Volley. 

P.S., Crack Shot is still bugged to give Rifle skills 2/4/5 extra Adrenaline on hit (unlisted on tooltip). No it's still not a good weapon even with the Adrenaline. 

Edited by Jzaku.9765
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Points of interest:

  • Every weapon works with Furious.
  • Opportunist works directly with Rifle on Rifle  4 and on Rifle 3 if Leg specialist is taken
  • Mericless Hammer will proc off of Rifle 5 as well as GunFlame.

It does need a higher attack speed and more damage on 3 and 4 though.

A unique trait for it would go a long way as well.

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38 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Points of interest:

  • Every weapon works with Furious.
  • Opportunist works directly with Rifle on Rifle  4 and on Rifle 3 if Leg specialist is taken
  • Mericless Hammer will proc off of Rifle 5 as well as GunFlame.

It does need a higher attack speed and more damage on 3 and 4 though.

A unique trait for it would go a long way as well.

Furios and Opportunist are in Arms soooooo no thanks.

Mericless Hammer, like i said, only works because Gunflame has daze on it. And we know anet. This can change any moment and then Rifle is 💀.


Also, What are you gonna do on Core Warrior? Play Arms?  🤢🤮


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1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

Why force Rifle into taking a trait.

It used to generate extra Adrenaline on it's AUTOATTACK on hitting a vulnerable target. It USED to be free real estate. Revive and reshuffle that and give the ability to generate extra adrenaline per hit to Volley. 

P.S., Crack Shot is still bugged to give Rifle skills 2/4/5 extra Adrenaline on hit (unlisted on tooltip). No it's still not a good weapon even with the Adrenaline. 

Why force any wepon into a trait?

Axe is forced into Axe Mastery.

Have fun playing Condi Warrior without Furios.

Hammer without Merciless Hammer? Jesus christ no.


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