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On 8/17/2023 at 2:44 PM, Balsa.3951 said:

hmm there is a ranger build which one shot everything now...

judging by my downvotes this is the pve area afterall

It's not PvE area, it's just that some players are confused when someone say that their profession is strong when they believe it's weak. There are always people that will deny reality and those are the confused one.

The funny point is that they won't deny your claim (because they can't) but will give you a long list of cons tied to the problematic build, painting it into a trash tier gimmick that's unviable everywhere.

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:41 AM, Radnor.4185 said:

Even though I was never good at PvP, it was my only choice to try and get a legendary armor, because WvW is just a walking simulator with no real sense of progression and I couldn't find anyone to so raids with at the time. So, for a long time, I have all the items already crafted and I'm only missing the precursors. After a few months not playing PvP, I got into it again just to find out Anet completely destroyed the only build I could play and keep 50% winrate: my beloved trapper ancient seeds druid. Now I'm completely unable to play PvP in a effective manner (10 losses in a row, not that the other players weren't as bad or even worse than me). Wft can I do know? Who can I hold responsible for destroying the work I had put over 700 pvp matches? This kittening items are untradeble and I can't finish the rest because I'm literally uncapable of playing well with any other build.

If you're a strong player, the best thing you can do is play a very high DPS build with great mobility and generate downstates for your team as quckly as possible. Veteran players can get away with it, because they have a stronger sense of how to perform hot rotations on the fly while playing + builds so they can actually defend nodes while doing this, without dying too often.

If you're like gold 1 or lower, the best thing you can do in your games is run some kind of fat bunker that's hard to kill and put high focus on defending your home node. Don't just AFK at home, you want to poke at mid and assist when you can but put priority focus on watching home and falling back to defend the cap every single time anyone gets near it. Low gold & silverish players often throw games and don't realize they are doing it, because they never watch the home node and always allowing it to get decapped. When you put focus to defend home like this, it also lowers your margin of error in bad positioning rotations, as well as lowering your team's margin of errors in bad positioning rotations. Defending home is never a bad idea. It also aleviates the worry of defending home for your stronger players, so they can focus on +ing and generating easy downs, rather than attempting to 1v1 on nodes with + builds. <- This is really important to note. Your stronger players in your team are going to be running DPS. Ideally, you want to allow them to perform hard surprise +ing. You don't want them having to worry about being a side noder or the guy who has to stand on caps because no one else is.


But in terms of "What build to play". I highly suggest you start looking into and devising a build that is comfortable for you, that is a fat Druid Bunker that is ridiculously annoying to get off the home node. Druid Bunkers and even Druid Supports are actually viable right now for the first time in a very long time. Your build may not be rocking a lot of DPS but it will be dangerous enough to have just enough offensive pressure to keep at least squishies wary and off the node from you or they'll end up dying. Things like a Bladesworn will be able to hold the node vs. you, but it will not be able to get you off the node, and you'll have plenty of sustain to wait for a +. It's just ALL about holding that kitten home node if you are playing more amongst middle to lower tiered games. Seriously, holding that home cap wins games in those tiers. I suggest looking into Wilderness/Nature/Druid and run the GM spirit trait in nature, use the two spirits that the trait will make have 2x blast finishers each. What you do, is you utilize those 4x blast finishers in water fields for massive heal factor. Run the elite glyph and don't save it for revives, you use like a normal well out of CA Kit for the stab and the massive water field. You run Staff with whatever setup you have which is another water field and blast, then do sword and warhorn with his 2x more leaps for the water fields and another blast, and then of course you have the water field and blast in CA Kit. If you build it right, nothing can kill it 1v1 and you'll be able to stall a home decap forever unless you get +d and in that case it's all up to your personal skill from there of how long you can stall.

Guarantee you your win rates will go up if you start doing this. Doesn't matter if you run Druid power or condi, just makes sure you're abusing all the potential sustain it has. It's been buffed a lot lately.

~ Oh and also, use Jacaranda and Turtle for builds meant to hard bunk on node.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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I'll be honest with you, have fun and play what you want. Nobody gives a kitten about a plat badge anymore. Nine times out of ten they'll usually ask if said plat player is either carried, wintraded up there, or abuse some fotm build. You have the luxury of simply playing and that's it. Don't have to worry about anything else since people value PVE clout moreso now than anything PVP has to offer.

Have fun. Go nuts. Turn off everything so you have pvpers scream into the void while you pleasantly listen to your spotify playlist.

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