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8. Into the Obscure story step stuck [Merged]

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Next week it should be fixed as A-Net told some days ago

  • Players are not able to advance the Story of the Expansion as Kamilla does not provide the Motivational Items needed to progress the story. Players will need to either craft a new motivation, or obtain one from the trading post. For the latest update, please check our forums here
    • UPDATE: A fix for this is scheduled for our November 28th, 2023 release.
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  • Updated Chapter 8: Into the Obscure to require completion of any Kryptis rift tier instead of being limited to tiers 2 or 3.
  • Fixed an issue that could block players from progressing if they started Chapter 8: Into the Obscure for the first time, accepted Kamilla's uncommon Kryptis motivation, swapped to other Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure story chapters, and then swapped back to Chapter 8 and reached that story step again. Players who were in this blocked state can interact with Kamilla to continue progressing through the story.


Just tested it and my one blocked character is now unblocked.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Time to revive this thread.

I used the soulbound tier 2 motivation you get from the hunters, stumbled right into a tier 2 rift near the Bastion of the Obscure and completed it. Nothing.

No biggie, I thought, since I had a tier 3 motivation in my pocket. Let's make some lemonade and get that "Going the Extra Mile" achievement! I activate it, and a little bit of scanning later I find a tier 3 rift, tag up and close the rift with a few random players hungry for loot. But still: nothing. And as an added bonus I didn't get the "Going the Extra Mile" achievement either.

The mission text is still telling me to scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced. Which I have now done twice. Once for tier2 and once for tier 3.

So, yeah, this one is sill/again broken. Story progress blocked successfully.

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On 12/26/2023 at 12:36 PM, Locce.8405 said:

Time to revive this thread.

I used the soulbound tier 2 motivation you get from the hunters, stumbled right into a tier 2 rift near the Bastion of the Obscure and completed it. Nothing.

No biggie, I thought, since I had a tier 3 motivation in my pocket. Let's make some lemonade and get that "Going the Extra Mile" achievement! I activate it, and a little bit of scanning later I find a tier 3 rift, tag up and close the rift with a few random players hungry for loot. But still: nothing. And as an added bonus I didn't get the "Going the Extra Mile" achievement either.

The mission text is still telling me to scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced. Which I have now done twice. Once for tier2 and once for tier 3.

So, yeah, this one is sill/again broken. Story progress blocked successfully.

"Going the Extra Mile" is exactly what I feared would break when they made the change. I wonder if it is broken broken, or it is just because none of the rifts are counting for you.

Had you run this step before the change as well, or is this the first time?

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On 12/27/2023 at 7:28 PM, Tanek.5983 said:

"Going the Extra Mile" is exactly what I feared would break when they made the change. I wonder if it is broken broken, or it is just because none of the rifts are counting for you.

Had you run this step before the change as well, or is this the first time?

I've brought one character through the story before, but having only one character to do stuff in Nayos got boring, so I wanted to follow with a couple more (and complete the achievements I had left out while I'm at it). Back then I had no problem with the tier 2 rift counting, but now I am wondering if my other chars will also get stuck on this step leaving me with a whole lot of effort for nothing.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a bought TP motivation in my inventory and I am stuck on the 'scan for rifts while heart is enlarged' part. I have done all the tricks in the book, buying from the TP, cancelling story and reprogressing back through; nothing works. It's broken, again, and making it very difficult to progress for the casual player. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

Just started this chapter tonight and got stuck on "Scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced."

My Tier 2 Motivation item was consumed when a Tier 2 rift boss spawned during a rift someone in my group started. I had not scanned for a rift before the rift boss spawned and my motivation item was consumed.

Scanning for rifts does nothing now that I have no quest motivation item.

Edited by Joebob Zanzibar.8726
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  • 5 weeks later...

I cannot progress the story as people stucked "Scan for rifts while the Heart is enhanced." part.

I used the motivation and start the rift alone. Then people came, I did this two times. Motivations were consumed but no progress. 

I sent a ticket. 

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