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Scrapper's design problems stem from the lack of an elite spec mechanic


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I think 1 issue of hammer is the skill 3. 

Its nice to dodge attacks but auto attack literally does more dmg than that. At least in pve that skill should get a dmg buff to make it usable over auto attack. 

Tho hammer overall is a kinda good weapon. Probably the best of all engi weapons. Tho the others also aren't really good ones.

The problem clearly sits on scrappers Design itself and the so called e spec mechanic at this point.

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On 8/28/2023 at 5:20 AM, Matoro.9708 said:

Function Gyro is just a better Toss Elixir R.

I think Engineer should be able to experiment with swapping out toolbelt skills somehow, after all the only way to compensate for taking a racial elite is having function gyro or god forbid the green menace. And mechanist still doesn't work with med kit, lmao.

Also am I the only one unhappy with the class icon? It's a hammer, but a goofy one and should be a gyro.

I am taking a break from the game until they address more core features like turrets and visuals such as mortar kit's model. 


Mortar kit was done a couple years ago in fact, I know I complain about it till someone pointed it to me. Its look  lot like the place holder, but its not.

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8 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

Mortar kit was done a couple years ago in fact, I know I complain about it till someone pointed it to me. Its look  lot like the place holder, but its not.

What do you mean by this? The wiki has nothing to suggest that. I've been using it a lot longer that a couple years and it's never changed.

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On 9/10/2023 at 7:10 PM, Matoro.9708 said:

What do you mean by this? The wiki has nothing to suggest that. I've been using it a lot longer that a couple years and it's never changed.

Yes it as been change, before it was using a basic rifle skin, nowday, its has its own unique skin. That said its pretty similar to the placeholder, its like 95% the same as the placeholder, but theirs slight difference between the 2 models. They never add this change in any update note and Im not even suprise nobody on the wiki page as not even saw that they change the model. Look really really close and youll see some detail that were not there before, and youll see the texture is higher res than the basic rifle skin that was use as a place holder.

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On 9/13/2023 at 5:46 AM, Makuragee.3058 said:

Yes it as been change, before it was using a basic rifle skin, nowday, its has its own unique skin. That said its pretty similar to the placeholder, its like 95% the same as the placeholder, but theirs slight difference between the 2 models. They never add this change in any update note and Im not even suprise nobody on the wiki page as not even saw that they change the model. Look really really close and youll see some detail that were not there before, and youll see the texture is higher res than the basic rifle skin that was use as a place holder.

I believe you. It still sucks though lol. We all know they can do better. They practically have a whole team dedicated to making new weapon sets and BL exclusives every few months, you can't tell me they couldn't go over some polish for not just mortar kit but lots of core profession content. 

Maybe if they took care of the cow, they wouldn't have to milk it so hard and fear it going dry.

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On 8/24/2023 at 8:08 AM, mootshell.8530 said:

Personally, I'd want to see two main playstyles from Scrapper - a ranged Scrapper that commands gyros to move around like Ventari's Tablet, a melee Scrapper with gyros orbiting them like we already have, and either let you pick which one with traits or have a way to swap between the playstyles on the fly.

I thought Scrappers were going to be similar to FB in terms of "Supportive Boons (multiple types instead of Might, power, and fury)" with a bunker Dmg playstyle, but there have been so much done to this Specialization I have no idea what they're tying to do as a end result unless they sit down and formulate a rework that fits its theme with a fun and polished playstyle. That being said, they need to do something to Sneak Gyro. Maybe that could be what you were referring when you said "a range Scrapper that commands Gyros". The orbiting Gyros sound very interesting. FB has a way to swap tomes when you use them, so Gyro's could use a style that allows us to swap providing boons, dmg, or barriers, and be effective. Another problem Engineers face too are our Core Abilities and Specializations, which I think need reworks as well.

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