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[SoO Lore discussion SPOILERS] Added lore for Seer vs Mursaat conflict


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This is a discussion about SoO lore so there are SPOILERS below. You ARE WARNED!


For those who do not know or need a recap, the Mursaat attempted to rally all races together to fight the Elder Dragons in the previous cycle but when they attempted to fight the Elder Dragons the other Races decided to not get involved and left the Mursaat to be slaughtered by the Elder Dragons. This is what eventually lead the Mursaat to turn evil and betray the other races near the end of their Cycle.

Now to current events, Isgarren mentions these events during the Epilogue for a moment and provides a bit more detail to what happened. 

As Isgarren said, the Mursaat were promised support from the other races BUT they were split between two factions in each race being those who wanted to fight the Elder Dragons and those who wanted to just leave the Elder Dragons alone. Sadly, the side that wanted to avoid fighting the Elder Dragons in each race won more support so when the Mursaat called on those who said they will go to their aid against the Elder Dragons when the time came they could not due to the majority agreeing and denying them the ability to go to help the Mursaat. Thus they decided the run over fighting the Elder Dragons. It is unknown which side was Isgarren on during this time but since he was called "your majesty" I can only guess Isgarren may have been the Seer leader during the Previous Elder Dragon cycle and if he was on the side of fighting the Elder Dragons he may have been unable to convince the majority to join the fight but if he was on the side who chosen to run at the time, he may have regretted the choice for a long time considering the consequences of that choice. 

Of course we all know the result of this choice being the Mursaat turned evil and betrayed the other races once all races in the previous cycle finally decided it was time to actually fight the Elder Dragons instead of running. 

It is a small addition to this existing lore but still a important addition since it explains more about what went wrong during the previous Elder Dragon Cycle. 


What is your opinion about this added small lore detail?

Edited by EdwinLi.1284
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1 hour ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

I think Peitha calls him "Your majesty" because that is how the Kryptis work, and she was viewing him as the "King" of the Wizard Tower/Tyria realm.

This is how I interpreted it too. The Kryptis are all about titles and nobility, and Isgarren is quick to bury the idea of a hierarchy with him at the top here on Tyria.

I think it also demonstrates Peitha's tactic of ingratiating herself to whomever she deems the highest in the food chain. She for sure seems to be playing both sides.

I really don't trust her and think her ultimate goal is to be the one with power herself. Time will tell if we're able to change her, or if ultimately we'll be the victim or her inevitable grasp for power after we've taken down Eparch. I've seen evidence in her character that could support her going either way — maybe with a slight lean into the idea she doesn't really care about us or Tyria; just Nayos.

Part of me hopes the followup patches will be about Waiting Sorrow and not the Kryptis power struggle so that we could get a whole expansion out of Nayos, but maybe the reverse is just as good. Hard to say. I would be happy with a deep dive into Kodan lore and perhaps a chance to redeem some of the wishy washy Norn lore they couldn't quite nail down in IBS.

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1 hour ago, mandala.8507 said:

This is how I interpreted it too. The Kryptis are all about titles and nobility, and Isgarren is quick to bury the idea of a hierarchy with him at the top here on Tyria.

I think it also demonstrates Peitha's tactic of ingratiating herself to whomever she deems the highest in the food chain. She for sure seems to be playing both sides.

I really don't trust her and think her ultimate goal is to be the one with power herself. Time will tell if we're able to change her, or if ultimately we'll be the victim or her inevitable grasp for power after we've taken down Eparch. I've seen evidence in her character that could support her going either way — maybe with a slight lean into the idea she doesn't really care about us or Tyria; just Nayos.

Part of me hopes the followup patches will be about Waiting Sorrow and not the Kryptis power struggle so that we could get a whole expansion out of Nayos, but maybe the reverse is just as good. Hard to say. I would be happy with a deep dive into Kodan lore and perhaps a chance to redeem some of the wishy washy Norn lore they couldn't quite nail down in IBS.

A particularly interesting comment of Peitha's is how she speaks of first detecting the commander when they died and resurrected.

But also that such ripples could've been felt in the other realms bordering Tyria. 

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