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Knowledge of the Elders Achievement - Greater Understanding

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1 hour ago, MagicBot.1570 said:

I don't think this bug is too high of a priority, but I hope to see a fix on the tuesday patch. It's the only thing blocking progression towards the meta-achievement, and sadly it is necessary to get it, which is a bit of a shame

Actually it is a MUST FIX, exactly BECAUSE the achievement is part of the "Amnytas Mastery" Achievement (Which only has flush (14) Achievements to clear (meaning it has 0 achievements to spare to make up for the bugged one)) it would have been lower on priority if there was achievements available to make up for it (like Skyview Archipelago who requires only 22 out of the 29 available achievements to clear the Mastery Achievement.

If they don't fix it, it completely blocks the progression to anyone who chose the "Shadowstone" during Burden of Choice (which I assume that Mastery Achievement will be required later on as well).

Edited by LoboRaptorLo.2603
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Yep bug is still there , and "not high priority" ? That bug lock down 3 whole achievements :  knowledge of the elders , honorary astral ward and Amnytas mastery .

So maybe not as high as giving back skyscale to ppl who made the two collection for it , but plz be quick that bug is there since launch and made me waste a lot of time wandering around and trying some bypass over Tranton , thats pretty lame considering at first time you think you are doing something wrong but it's a bug .... especially frustarting about it locked down cause we made a choice to use a shadowstone many years ago ...

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