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Typical ranger talk


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We have unblockable arrows. There are millions of ways to deal with ranged... Block is just one of them. What about invulnerability, evasion, reflect, high mobility and outright tankiness?

The only way to free this class of its shackles are I think:

  1.  Delete/nerf longbow. It was fun while it lasted, its a very narrow playstyle. Whole class is balanced around Sic'em Longbow. Its not even good lol. The word "Ranger" doesnt stem from them being ranged anyway.
  2.  Give dagger 3 evasion window and increase its reach.
  3.  Make pets INVULNERABLE. Pet mechanic is such a outdated feature its driving me insane. The only reason is soulbeast is where it is now is simply because that class get to ignore the pet mechanic and get stat bonuses by doing so.
  4.  Delete the cast time on spirits. They are too slow to summon for what you get. By the time you summon whatever a good willbender will be done with you anyway.
  5.  Give us shields. They didnt, we are getting dual maces now. I hope its defensive.
  6.  Make commands shouts. Again... Stop wrapping a whole skill line around outdated mechanic that is pets.
  7.  Buff every weapons and their skills damage coefficiency.
  8. Stop tying our mechanics to "movement impaired foes". We are at a point where every class almost has %100 stability uptime, access to 300x cleanse, stun break and evasion.

If you are not doing any of these ANET then nerf every other class. They are bloated with stuff. Its like when you go to MC Donalds and order a burger, you get your burger but it doesnt fit in your hands, its all soaked by various sauces, buns are too small for the overly premium meat, oil is dripping to the table (more so when you bite it) and as a part of the menu they gift you a lamborghini, a villa, a yacht and full summer vacation at Bahamas...

"My class is useless now!" Said no guardian ever. Im sorry. Its not that ranger is a bad class. It is a BALANCED class. Its every other class that is unbalanced. Bro why are guardians able to phase between words whenever they want to LOL. Isnt guardian a heavy armor class? Those guys are ALMOST fast as thieves.

It is soooo funny. We got a new pet and its actually useful but its bugged. It doesnt take action for 2-3 seconds when you summon it. This will never be fixed, never ever ever. Thats how bad and forgotten this class is.


Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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2 hours ago, RDBuck.6098 said:

The Ranger in Guild Wars 2 is Blah compared to Guild Wars  Ranger at least GW1 has aoe on the Longbow so if they can change up gw2 Ranger a bit Hunter shoot shoot to arrows and shorting the skill recharge and barrage with some type of aoe to it. The Ranger in gw1 is fun playing than gw2. And know they want to put double mace on the ranger I would like them fix the longbow and add a rifle or a crossbow because it have melee weapons the Ranger is for range hence the name Ranger if I want to play melee I would do a warrior or a revenant.

Ranger is not ranged , how can so many misunderstand that name ?


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Since they took away some of the strips from Spellbreaker and Scourge untamed is actually pretty viable in WvW zergs. The old "Ranger is useless" line is so outdated now.

It is strong, particularly in smaller scale fights. Druid is very good in a support role too. I also wouldn't overlook stance share on soulbeast either. It's not the optimal pick but it can flexibly pad out a role in any squad with group stunbreaks, stability, cleanses, and damage. It's also very good at applying CC.

In PvE it is currently pulling very respectable benchmarks, no it's not Scourge, but Scourge is broken and about to be nerfed in 2-week anyway.

In sPvP it's also very strong, people are constantly whining about being 1-shot and to delete the class.

The place it is currently weakest is WvW and even then that is only in zergs when you exclude Druid.

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