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Soulbeast Destroyed

Trevor Boyer.6524

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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

update: Revenant Profession-Soulbeast 2.0 God Mode

Once again, Guild Wars 2 Philosophy...continue the attack against Profession Identity and Roles by having other Professions replaced them.

Ranger Profession is the next Profession victim of Profession Identity Theft and Hijack



The latest Xpact litterally spelled out that they don't intend on roles, so get with that... let it go (as a person who also prefers defined roles from a counter play point of view).


Linking a video of celstial vindi in 1v1 is quite frankly laughable, thats a very specific situation. Firstly, go and try vindi in 1v1, where you will realise it has 0 crutches to carry you through mistakes (unlike so many specs mechanics I won't even get into, aside from mentioning cheap invulns/blocks while still being able to attack, evades that do high damage, target drops and stealth jump/resets or tps). Then also go and try vindi in group fights, where it is garunteed your dps stops if focused, becuase you then have to use all energy just to mitigate.


Also SB is still overperorming for 1 reason. Its evades and openers garuntee it the jump, where the person has to mitigate a prolonged assault that can still delete you fast, before even thinking about doing any real dmg back to the SB. Even chrono doesnt get that.. becuase invuln chews up clones. And for what, becuase the SB knows how to press 5 of the important buttons?



Edited by Flowki.7194
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13 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

update: Revenant Profession-Soulbeast 2.0 God Mode

Once again, Guild Wars 2 Philosophy...continue the attack against Profession Identity and Roles by having other Professions replaced them.

Ranger Profession is the next Profession victim of Profession Identity Theft and Hijack


Attempts to make a point(?) by randomly linking a WvW Celestial revenant shortbow build in a topic about soulbeast in sPvP.
"Literally soulbeast 2.0 but x20 times better!"

Certified forums Burnfall moment.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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