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Warrior Keybindings


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Just curious as to what my fellow warriors seem to prefer their setup/keybindings to be. Since we button mash quite a lot, I was curious how everyone keeps from having carpal tunnel. 😁

Here's a few I changed around:

  • Profession Skills 1-5 = Alt+1 - Alt+5
  • Healing Skill = 1
  • Utility Skills 1,2,3 (default was 7,8,9) = 2,3,4
  • Elite Skill = 5
  • Weapon Skill 1 = E
  • Weapon Skill 2 = R
  • Weapon Skill 3 = F
  • Weapon Skill 4 = Z
  • Weapon Skill 5 = Q
  • Summon Mount = ~
  • Interact = Mouse 5 (Forward Page)
  • Roll/Dodge = Mouse 4 (Back Page)

Side question to those that do answer, when you were setting up your keybindings (here or it other games) did you use a video to help you? Did a guildie give you the knowledge? Or school of hard-knox? Personally, a Guildie from the game Warframe gave me the concept of using ALT on my left hand to utilize specific abilities and putting dodge on my mouse.

Feedback is welcome, as I'm always looking for new ways to map the brain... and thank you for sharing! 🍻

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I got a better mouse when my wife kept stealing mine. It has a thumb rest on the side with buttons in a circle around it. I mapped those to F1, F2, 6, 0, 9, 8, 7 going in a clockwise rotation so that if I slip my thumb forward I use F1 back for the elite.

I have my mounts on the keyboard numpad. I shockingly take my hand off the mouse to use it.

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1-5 normal

6-9 a row of four buttons on my mouse, with stunbreaks closest to my thumb resting position. 

Elite is a raised button set in my right mouse button space. 

When I am using 1-5 rmb and lmb take over for movement instead of wasd.

R is my dodge but I still double tap to dodge occasionally. 


Side question to those that do answer, when you were setting up your keybindings (here or it other games) did you use a video to help you? Did a guildie give you the knowledge? Or school of hard-knox?

Hard knox.

I just put "buttons i may need to hit on reaction" under my thumb. Everything else is less important. 

I need a set of custom binds for engie though DX

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Left-handed players may be interested in this.

My key bindings for left-hand mouse/right-hand keyboard:

Keyboard:   regular US QWERTY

Mouse:   Left, right, center scroll, with forward and back buttons on one side

Warrior only > Berserker with hammer and longbow.

Elite Skill, Utility Skills 2 and 3 (Signets for their passive properties) are bound to keys as far away from movement keys as possible to avoid hitting them unless I really want to.

Movement:   I,J,K,L

Next Enemy: U

Switch Weapon: Y

Stow Weapon: ;

Map: R

Rift: Shift+R

Chat: Z

Healing: G ("Mending")

Utility Skill 4: [  and  ]  ("For Great Justice"), use 2 side-by-side keys for easier panic smash.

Special Function: P

Fishing Rod: F

Cast fishing line or enter Berserker mode: 0 (zero on number row)

Skiff: S

Toggle Action Camera: D

More frequently used skills/functions are bound to keys close to the movement keys.

Not into PvP, WvW, Strikes, or Raids yet so those key binds are still default.

Been playing for about a year, Warrior only, key binds are still evolving as my character gains abilities and as I figure things out along the way as an operator.

*Note:  I couldn't get the images to show in the post. Links go to the individual screenshots of my GW2 > Options > Keybinds.

GW2 Keybinds 1:   https://imgur.com/xLsnXep

GW2 Keybinds 2:   https://imgur.com/Pf3P8Yj

GW2 Keybinds 3:   https://imgur.com/dtRRKkZ

GW2 Keybinds 4:   https://imgur.com/9faNhfb

GW2 Keybinds 5:   https://imgur.com/FeMn99R

GW2 Keybinds 6:   https://imgur.com/WbByyIg

GW2 Keybinds 7:   https://imgur.com/QDY6zYf

Edited by Stryder.8641
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