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Spvp perspective:

Guardian has and always only ever been good at support for lengthy periods of time.  

Core = Support only

DH = Meme only and now dead without trapper runes.  Was never taken seriously even with said runes.

FB = Support only

WB = Just plain gone.  Was only decent for 3 months maybe?


All of this stemmed from terrible weapons, subpar skills(weapons, utilities, healing and elites), slow, low health.  Specifics aren't necessary because it doesn't change much.  I can't imagine any other profession with worse....pretty much everything such as:

- Terribly tracking skills(scepter auto, GS leap, Staff auto, torch throw, ect)

- Little-to-no soft cc

-Little-to-no actual speed(superspeed, resistance access to help with soft cc)

- Symbols being useless and part of every...single.....weapon....  You're effectively giving every weapon only 4 skills since these are only good on a downed body.



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I agree with everything you said. Especially weapon tracking. Guardian's weapon tracking is hands down the absolute worse in the game.

The only way to guarantee that Sword#3 hits, is by wasting a utility like Judges Intervention along side it so that you're literally cheek-to-cheek with the target. If they strafe once, you lose 90% of your damage lol... The only reason Sword is even relevant is because #2 is a port. This alone makes me feel like mainhand Pistol will replace Sword immediately on launch. Especially if mainhand Pistol has 2 ports or if Pistol's pew-pew burst lands more consistently compared to Sword#3. (I assume it will have some form of flashy-burst on the weapon alongside some kind of port).

There's two sides for Willbender in PvP. The Willbenders that are able to 1-shot everyone up until they plateau in G3/Plat1, and the Competitive AT side where literally any-other class is a better 5th pick over Willbender. Teams may choose a WB because there doesn't seem to be a better player to fill that specific slot but the meta is very unforgiving if you're trying to be competitive.

I've been around long enough to know where my place is, even if my head is the size of Mt. Fuji after a few beers worth of gaming lol.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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Dude, what are the common themes amongst solid roamer's?

Mobility(in the form of not just swiftness, super speed, trackable weaponry, quickness, ect.)

Soft-CC:  Decent access to ways to stick to someone(Cripple, chill and the like)

Massive spike dmg:  WB takes a few seconds to actually do dmg, look at other roamers who do it in half the time(Chronomancer, Thief, Rev, and Nade Scrapper)

These are just a few problems, there's far more.

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The old Vanguard Tactics Trait was an amazing tool to give WB's mobility.  It gave Resistance on port which REALLY helped sticking to people to do damage, especially when you have no soft-cc, superspeed or quickness to make up for it.  Not saying it would completely fix the slowness but it would help.  

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