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If you are going to have a multi-week event, dont remove the previous weeks content. [Merged]


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The Black Lion Stolen Goods Recovery Event was poorly divulgated and was absent from the U.I. game notifications, where all timed bonus events got fixed. This make serveral players missed one or another week event e lost the complete rewards. Maybe Anet could re-run the event for palyers - like me and others - who hadn't the chance to complete all achievmnents.

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I missed Week 2 by... one day, because I had a life sadly and considering Anet explicitly said they were trying to eliminate FOMO (with Soto AA, which is great btw and made me play much more enjoyable then I have the past several years already) then release this event... quite confusing.

Honestly, sure time limited event, it's for 'gem store' goods=real money loss potentially (but not rly else we'd have bought stuff already)but PLEASE god why do they need to leave the missed weeks in the achievement panel as if it can still be done, hints and all?! ... this part alone drives me mad, don't make me feel like I have a chance if it is literally unachievable XD. Terribly designed event, and I could agree with the earlier post they could have at least kept the NPCs form previous weeks present until the 3rd week was done, giving people the 'usual' (like Winter's day and Mad King stuff) 21 days to jump in and finish it all more leisurely... then delete/hide the achievements entirely once that event is done so it's not some illusion of false hope.

Time limit fine, but don't show us what we can no longer get is all I'm asking for... I mean seriously lol

A "Nice to have" would be 3 weeks total to do (all) 3 weeks of stuff (not week to week because sometimes people [casual folks like me, who still buy/play all the Xpacks and such and enjoy the game for as many hours as we can afford] have a bad week and feel cheated/ripped off in the end -- just an unpleasant taste at the end of the day (especially so when you feel like Anet took a shift to accommodate such players, then immediately do the opposite XD)


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