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PVP Deathmatch permanent

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Each day i am proven that people need a permanent deathmatch environment.
Conquest is too long, needs to much attention on map for nodes. People who come off work will be too tired to pay attention to that.
In contrast the Deathmatch is way shorter, need to pay attention just to the fights and can help people to understand much faster how their class/spec work in a fighting scenario.
IMO Conquest can be too overwhelming for new players that have to deal with fights, do not know their class and have to do nodes and rotations also.

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you're probably too young of a player to remember that we actually used to have 5v5 TDM and it was such an awful mode for gw2 it made stronghold look like a riviting esport.

so to go with the old saying, 'you think you do, but you dont', unless your real desire is blow out spawn camp matches decided in the first 5 seconds....

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8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:


you're probably too young of a player to remember that we actually used to have 5v5 TDM and it was such an awful mode for gw2 it made stronghold look like a riviting esport.

so to go with the old saying, 'you think you do, but you dont', unless your real desire is blow out spawn camp matches decided in the first 5 seconds....

5v5 was pretty rough. 3v3 and 2v2 are fun though. 

5v5 was also shipped at at a point where balance was significantly worse than it is now. There's probably a couple different ways you can ship it that prevent it from being a blob of fights.

For example, they could make it 6v6, then drop random pairs of opponents into an area so there's 6 1v1s or 3 2v2s,  with the winners of each fight counting toward the final score in a set of rounds.  


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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11 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:


you're probably too young of a player to remember that we actually used to have 5v5 TDM and it was such an awful mode for gw2 it made stronghold look like a riviting esport.

so to go with the old saying, 'you think you do, but you dont', unless your real desire is blow out spawn camp matches decided in the first 5 seconds....

I didn't mention 5v5 deathmatch
Guess you are just looking to throw arguments. The game has Deathmatch and it is in form of 3v3 and 2v2, making that permanent will be much more viable than the 5v5 that you are talking about.
The idea was to have casual players also in pvp, to let them learn the specs and fighting scenarios, not to spawn camp and rampage through noobs, idk why you even picked up on that idea proving you are just looking to throw arguments instead of looking for what i was truly saying.

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