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Bandage Blast's one annoying flaw...


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So any of you who've used Medkit's 2 skill, Bandage Blast, might have noticed that it can do something annoying most other cone attacks don't. It fires a spray of bandages, but the problem is you can step between them, or even to the side because they travel so slowly, and make them miss at anything other than point-blank range. Engineer already has a variable-power cone which changes based on range from the user: Blunderbuss from rifle! Even just 2-3 steps away can make almost all of the bandages miss. And unlike most cones, if someone's standing in front they can absorb every single bandage, making sure the person in need of healing gets nothing.

It makes me wonder why it couldn't have been set up more like Blunderbuss, where it's a mist spray like the 1, but the closer you are the more potent it is.

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10 hours ago, Matoro.9708 said:

The answer is just that it's old and held together with tape. Committing time to rework it, as brilliant as a suggestion as it is, isn't considered worth it by whomever calls the shots over there. Same story as with turrets, or the rocket toolbelt, etc.

Yeah. There's so much on engie that needs a tuneup. So much stuff hasn't been touched since 2015, almost an entire decade, and even at least one entire trait line that's heavily out of date. I don't think I've seen someone run Tools traitline in years.

Edited by Icefyer.9208
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On 10/9/2023 at 1:56 AM, Icefyer.9208 said:

Yeah. There's so much on engie that needs a tuneup. So much stuff hasn't been touched since 2015, almost an entire decade, and even at least one entire trait line that's heavily out of date. I don't think I've seen someone run Tools traitline in years.

Tools is a fantastic traitline. It has a flat 10% power damage increase, 50% endurance regen, 20% toolbelt cooldown, Elite cooldown reduction, condi cleanse & vigour on toolbelt usage.

The elite cooldown and cleanse both synergise with the faster endurance regen and toolbelt cooldowns. 

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1 hour ago, MysteryDude.1572 said:

That's why you use it point blank on allies , cause they get hit by all 5

Thing is, at point blank, even a couple steps to the side makes the whole thing miss, with how much movement people do, and at a further range, where the cone's larger, people will usually step between the bandages, making them miss anyway. It just seems odd that they decided to make it a shotgun blast of bandages instead of a traditional instant cone that varies based on distance to the engineer.

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3 hours ago, Panda.1967 said:

It could be worse… it could still be the old bandage kit where all 5 skills were Drop Bandage…

I remember that. Absolutely horrible. Didn't they used to have a hilariously tiny aoe that was actually smaller than the bandage bundles themselves so they were borderline impossible to actually pick up?

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10 minutes ago, Icefyer.9208 said:

I remember that. Absolutely horrible. Didn't they used to have a hilariously tiny aoe that was actually smaller than the bandage bundles themselves so they were borderline impossible to actually pick up?

For the first 2 months after launch… pickup radius was increased to 2x the size of the bundle after that.

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On 10/8/2023 at 9:56 PM, Icefyer.9208 said:

one entire trait line that's heavily out of date. I don't think I've seen someone run Tools traitline in years.

Most spvp builds run tools, and it's the third traitline that every core engineer picks.

In pve, Gadgeteer doubling up your throw mine, plus static discharge procs, are very strong. 10% extra damage when not at full endurance makes it very competitive.

In pvp, the cleanses on toolbelt skills, as well as their cooldown reduction, and either gadgeteer (the mobility with rocket boots is awesome) or adrenal implant (especially combined with explosives) are all very strong.

Problem is pve min maxing doesn't allow much variance in builds. If explosives gives you 1% more damage compared to tools, people will just pick explosives. 

Tools is not that out of date.

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